
Iam pregnant and iam....?

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I'm pregnant (4 weeks) and already starting to get a fat stomach is this normal the blood test said that I'm 4 weeks but should i be starting to get fat and bigger b***s or could the blood test be wrong?




  1. Four weeks is very soon to be "getting fat," as you call it. You're probably just retaining water, and that's no big deal. You probably won't start seriously seriously putting on weight for another couple months. Take some vitamin B6 - that's a natural diuretic.

  2. Unless you have increased your food intake considerably since finding out you are pregnant, you are most likely just bloated, which is very normal for the beginning of pregnancy.  From my experience, it subsides as the first trimester progresses, and you will be more or less your normal size for a few weeks until you really do start to show.  The big b***s can start immediately with conception and are no indication of how far along you are.

  3. you are probably technically 6 weeks pregnant, b/c you need to count from your last period, and its normal to gain some weight and feel fat, in the beginning of pregnancy you get really bloated and carry alot of water weight, perfectly normal.

  4. Pretty doubtful that it's wrong, although they won't truly know until the ultrasound to measure the baby. But, more than likely the "fat" you speak of is the bloating that happens early in pregnancy. It's not actually the baby going, but instead your body storing excess water and fluid. And your b***s always start to get bigger around that time. I know mine did.

  5. ask the doctor

    he is the only one he knows

  6. You may just be bloating. All the hormones in your system cause your pregnancy symptoms to 'resemble' PMS x 3 so the bloating could be normal.

  7. well.. your supposed to gain 25 pounds during pregnancy so your gonna wanna eat a lot.

    it's just what happens.

  8. Maybe it was the cheesecake.

  9. Lol you have gas and bloating that is why you look like you have a fat stomach.

    I'm 9 weeks and my belly is still as flat as in the begining  

  10. Could be just bloating. I didn't show until i was 20 weeks but I did have some bloating in the beginning

  11. ummm i've never heard of a blood test being used to estimate how far along a person is... sure it can tell how high your hormones are but that's not a good indication or how far along... but actually you start to retain water very early in the pregnancy so it isn't uncommon to find your pants fit a bit tighter really early... but still if you aren't sure how far along you are you may want to see if your OB can perform a vaginal ultrasound to get you an estimated due date

  12. no it's normal. smaller women tend to show alot sooner than others. i was 6 weeks and had grown out of all of my clothes.

  13. at 4 weeks, no you shouldnt have a baby bump yet. its more likely to be bloating , gas, water retention.

  14. There may be an error in the blood report..however  reconsult your gynecologist...


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