
Iam starting a new school after being home schooled for awhile?

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in gym we have to take showers and all the girls i notice all have been shaving privite parts and i havent. not thet are making fun of me calling me hairy gal sasscwatch




  1. Okay...another crazy idea from the northern hemisphere!

    Kelly - if you want to do this, do it. If you don't, don't; just tell these girls where to go (and what they can do when they get there! LOL).

    Just don't let yourself be pressured into doing anything you feel unconvinced about; it's sheep who are meant to be controlled by their flock instinct, not people.

    If you want to do it (and the question: "WHY?!?" springs immediately to mind, LOL!) then do it because you want to; NOT because they want you to, make you think you should or just to fit in.

  2. Well, you can either shave or ignore them, its your choice.  Personally, I think its silly to shave "down there" unless I'll be wearing a swim suit or something.

    P.S.  I'd probably ask them why they are looking down there in the first place, a comeback like, "Why are you staring at me down there anyway? Don't you like guys?"

  3. Ugh, this is complicated. What grade are you in? If you're 12 years old, I don't think you should be shaving. If you're 16, and everyone else is, it might be worth your while to do it. I don't know - high school is hard, because you should figure out how to be yourself and be confident, but you don't want to stand out so much or be so different that your life is h**l.

    The problem I have with home schooling is that kids don't get the chance to figure out how to relate to the social demands of other school kids (even if you have ballet or something, it is still not the same as school). If you do that in elemantary and middle school, it helps high school to be more manageable. I feel like you missed out on some stuff that would have made this moment easier for you.

    Kids are going to tease you because you're new, no matter what. The thing to do is try to survive that and work on getting some friends. Like I said, blend in if you can do so without violating your morals. And know that we've all been through high school and that yes, it is really hard!

  4. Three words to consider before shaving your pubes:

    itchy  red  bumps

    Very gross.

  5. Tell them to go **** them self's and that your man like's it, that will shut them up

  6. Pay them no mind. Shaving private areas is a matter of preferance. Some do it because they are sexually active and prefer to not have hair in the way, some do it for comfort reasons because a lot of hair down there can get warm or itchy, some do it for cleanliness reasons because it's easier to clean  down there without a mess of hair, and some just do it because they think everyone else is doing it and just think they're supposed to. And I'm sure other girls (and boys. I've known boys who shave their private areas) have entirely different reasons. If you feel awkward about having hair down there you could have a serious talk with the other girls next time they tease you and just ask them why they shave theirs. If this backfires (which it might, knowing highschool girls) and you still feel uncomfortable being the only one with hair, but don't want to shave it, try taking a small scissor and CAREFULLY trimming it so it's at least a bit tidier. Lots of people do this for cleanliness reasons as well as comfort. If you do want to shave it I would suggest doing it in the shower wen you have a lot of time to spare and TRIMMING FIRST so thaty ou don't get a snag in the razor and hurt yourself. If you just want to cover it up you could wear a bathing suit bottom or something when you go into the shower and change into regular underwear afterwards when the girls aren't paying attention, but doing this could get you teased even more. If you don't want to change the way your body looks then you should just ignore them. No one outside the locker room can see it, so even if all the girls are teasing you about it you don't need to be self-concious about it.

  7. Have you seen the movie, "Bridge to Terabithia?"  If not, check it out sometime. It's about a brave girl (around 12 or so) who dared to be different and stood up for herself to those who bullied her. It also shows that those who do the bullying usually aren't happy themselves about some aspect of their lives.

    Just don't let these girls know that it bothers you.  Make a joke or comment back at them to show you don't care; like glurpy said, just roll your eyes and walk away.  If you show any signs of weakness (like it bothers you) they will only pick on you more.  Be strong, and ask God to help you get through this.

  8. It seems that hair removal is very popular right now.  This is something that goes in cycles.  I can see your dilemma, sometimes it's easier to fit in and do what others are doing.  It's not a necessary thing, but some women prefer it.  It can make it easier during your period.  If you feel like you want to do it, for whatever reason, it's not a permanent choice... hair does grow back.  

    Shaving your bikini area can be very difficult... especially if you have sensitive skin.  That in itself is a reason not to do it.   I would recomment waxing because it lasts longer and may be less irritating to your skin.  Though I've never had a Brazilian wax, or even a bikin wax, but I've had my legs, underarms, upper lip and eyebrows done many times.  It sure beats shaving ;D

    Good luck with your decision.

  9. What do *you* think of the idea of shaving there? Do you think there's a good reason to do it--other than what the girls think is a good reason (because everybody else is doing it, because it's "s**y"--is s**y really a good thing, especially if you're still in school??)?

    You don't need to be ashamed. The reason THEY shave is because they feel ashamed to be more natural. They make fun of you because they are so uncomfortable with the idea of themselves being natural. There's also a power trip to be played in it. Just take it in stride. Know that when someone makes fun of someone else, it says FAR MORE about the person who's being mean than it does about the other person.

    Some specific ideas:

    Roll your eyes, shake your head and mutter, "Whatever."

    Say, "Well, at least I'm happy enough with myself that I don't have to shave." (Use this with caution: you'll get some girls who'll call you a *itch; others will admire you for standing up this way.)

    Smile and say, "Thanks." This will take a lot of the sense of power away from the girls calling you names. They won't get the kick they are getting out of it if they see it doesn't bother you.

  10. 1.) Be natural, dont go against your own free will

    2.) Are you a boy or a     , your avatar suggests your a male?????

  11. it's only an option

    I know a girl who was brick schooled all her life and graduate UCB and she doesn't shave her legs or arm pits

    she's waht you call a natural

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