
Iam still Breast feeding my 8 year old son. It is good or wrong.?

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he likes my milk than other food.what should




  1. eww thats gross!!

  2. holy c**p that's weird....

  3. Eww-that's gross!

  4. come on!!!!

  5. Oh, honey, please stop breastfeeding your 8 YEAR OLD!!! I'm sorry but that's just too old to still be breastfeeding...He's starting to learn and figure out that he's a boy, and that's just too wierd.

  6. You need to stop breast feeding him. Not only should he be eating a well balanced diet, surely you are over having him attached to you. He needs to grow up.

  7. Don't want to make you feel worse but if you are asking this question then probably you yourself realise that it is not something normal and is likely to be unhealthy.

    Consider the long term damage you are likely to be doing to your child and your relationship with him. He may grow up to be too attached to his mumma to the point that he may have difficulty forming healthy relationship with his partner or come to be ashamed of knowing his mum so intimately till so late a age. He may turn out to be perfectly normal adult but is likely to be a vulnerable teenager. If not now then when do you plan to stop this lady!!

  8. First of all, its your personal matter, no ones has the right to Comment Stupidly. They should comment in a Nicer way. And one Person said, that its Unhealthy for you. That's Wrong, Even its Useful for both of you. As it reduce your Chances to Get Breast Cancer as well s useful for your Son Body.

    Its all up to you, if you are Happy to NURSE him, you can Carry on. Although he is bit older to be Breastfed, Try to put him on Solid Food as well. I hope after a while he himself will loose interest in Breastfeeding.

    Anyway enjoy the way you and your Son feel easy

  9. i stopped feeding my boy at 3 weeks..... wish i could have gone a little longer but i work full time.... and a couple other responsibilitys have me way to strechd out......i say no its prolly way over... does he eat any food?  he needs to eat a ceatin amount of solid food because of correct nutrition.... brast milk is for the early development....he probably is pretty healthy but he could be much more if on a regular diet........on another level  does his friends know? kids are really mean and they might or might not mean to but he might get picked on and no mom wants that..... also is he very attached to you kinda shy? drawn back from other kids? could be a resault and if he aint yet give it time he might..... good luck!

  10. Its pretty icky.. Im wondering how u both get into a comfortable position to manage it since he would be so big now...

  11. You should stop it's not healthy for you or especially your boy.

  12. this question or statement is'nt real,but if it is then your bordering or already have on abuse

  13. If this is a real question, this is sick.  Incest almost, nine year old boys start looking at b***s because they know they are suppose to want them sexually. Please stop.

  14. Yes, and I am sure that this is a true question. If it is, that's pretty sick!!!

  15. That's just plain sick.  He's way too old - that borders on incest.

  16. he's lieing i bet he just wants your b***s!

  17. That is very weird eww  : (

  18. It sounds like you are the one that likes it maybe more than he does or else you would have stopped breastfeeding a long long long time ago. At 8 years old it borders on becoming a sexual thing!!! Not right at all.

  19. I am not even sure if this is a real question.. if so then its wrong.  8 years old? come on.

  20. i saw that on the tyra banks show. you really should stop.

  21. its kind of unusual but its your choice i wouldnt do it but if your both happy why not?

  22. You need to stop! That is way too old! Man, he's 8, he's going to remember everything when he is older. Breast feeding is for babies, not children. He duzn't need those nutrients from u anymore, there is actual food he can chew. Plus you need to break it sumday, you don't want him to be feeding when he is a teenager!

  23. I have seen a woman breastfeed a 4yr old and that was creepy. When you have to verbally tell a child to stop breastfeeding then its time to stop.

  24. Well hunni im sorry to tell you but a 8 yr old should be well off ur breats now so  Docs would see this as wrong which personally i also see it as being wrong he is 8 years old not 8 weeks old omg i cant believe i actually seen this omg   do u really feel comfortable letting him suckle on ur breast maybeyou need help sorry but come ON HUN A 8 YR OLD BOY hed be so teased if his mates found out hun i think u need cousnellin and help sorry thats so wrong

  25. stop now. child abuse is not amusing.

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