
Ian Brady: 'I'm Not Paid Enough'?

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He claims people no longer feel safe walking the streets!!!!!

It costs enough to keep him in prison.He should be given necessities each week,no money.He should be left to rot.





  1. The press shouldn't give him the opportunity to air his views.Mainly because no one gives a S**t what he thinks.

  2. What springs to mind when I read stuff like this is that while they are in prison they ought to be out to good use ie: test news drugs on them if they prove sucessful well maybe for the first time in their lives they have done something for society. If they don't work then ops so sorry not!  

  3. Let him rot.

  4. He has no right to complain about anything, never mind the trivial c**p he has come out with. He seems to have forgotten why he is there in the first place. And as for his comments on the safety of people walking the streets, what the h**l does he know of the outside world? The streets may not be all that safe, but they have been that little bit safer in all these years he's been banged up and unable to prey on innocent children.

  5. Don't they get free bed and board along with no utility or council tax to pay whilst inside. d**n who's the worst off him and the rest of those locked up or us struggling to pay bills with money we haven't got !!

  6. Does he think he works there?

    On another point when people get compensation for being wrongly convicted the government actually tries to claim back money for their lodgings for the amount of time they were in prison.  Hmmm.

  7. Sadly, this is another typical case of 'justice'.

    Makes me vomit!


  8. i agree, leave 'im to rot

    hi busy,,it's the kevsta I'M BACK

  9. Yeah the streets were safer when he was about!?!?!?!

  10. I'm afraid this is part of Brady's sick mind.  The big problem is that people listen to him and turn it into news when it should just be ignored.

  11. Brady goes on to boast that he is "in the top 5% of the UK population" for intelligence

    lmao yeah, hes so intelligent that hes spent most of his life in the place hes gonna die in - prison

    what a muppet

  12. I Agree He Should Rot In h**l . But We Need Him Tell The Location(s )Of The Last Victim(s) Before He Is Granted The Right To Die.It Is A Horrible Crime Of Wich None Of Us Can Comprehend

  13. I don't even understand why they need money. He claims others get £100 a week. He doesn't need any money. He's never coming out.

    687SPV, I'd rather they just fed him to the lions without being shot. (poor lions)

  14. Wish he was dead like Hindley for they should have a great time in h**l together.

  15. Give him lots of money I say and then when he has say £800,000 tucked away under his prison mattress give him brouchures of all the high life but him in the cell can never go out to buy and enjoy them.

    When he kicks the bucket we will use the money to have a good national party and dance on his grave.

    OR charge him council tax, rent, food, electric, gas like the rest of us then he being owing us money.

  16. Does that include the Disability Living Allowance Mobility component that they all get in Ashworth ? ( mental health detainees are allowed as opposed to 'normal' prisons)

  17. the scuball deserves nothing, they should

    have hung him years ago.

  18. He should not be allowed any priveliges whasoever. He should roast in h**l, the evil scum that he is.

  19. Every penny he's paid is a penny too much.

  20. I love you, but I disagree x

  21. Maybe he  meant  to  say  was,  i  didn't  pay  enough'.  Can  never  be  repaid.

  22. The problem is, New Labour will probably take his rating seriously and give him what he wants.

    What he should have is Solitary and food that is all.

  23. Hes got one h**l of  a nerve . The kids weren't very safe on the streets when him and Hindley were at liberty . And as for him getting paid he should get nothing . He ought to be grateful hanging was abolished before he was caught . And they should keep him force fed as death is the only freedom he will get and the one thing he desires .

  24. He's not as mad as everyone assumes he's got the Government spot on.They have/will cause more misery than he ever did.They should have stoned the sick c*** to death when he was found guilty as well as all peados and child murderers

  25. "He is being held as a "prison transfer", and is therefore entitled to £1,300 of taxpayers cash a year"

    We should have hung him and saved paying money to the pile of ****

  26. Rot rot rot. His "human rights" were forfeit when he did the abhorrent things that he did.

  27. He should be shot through the back of the head. His filthy carcass should be thrown to the lions at Chester Zoo

    Wish I knew where Hindley was Interned so I could take a Sh*t on her.

  28. Ah, the oxygen of publicity. What a shame any of his rantings were published. He should have considered his future long ago. Ideally before he carried out those merciless killings. I have not a shred of compassion for this man, who can never suffer too much in my book.

  29. Well he's off his head to be honest

    He was one of those who made the streets not safe!

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