I have tachycardia ( a rapid heartbeat), and also aortic stenosis, which is a type of valve disorder. I have inner ear problems, which are causing me ALOT of pain. I went 2 c some physicians assistant 2day @ my local docs office, and didnt think of this at the time, until I looked up a lil more about ibuprofen online. Since she was a PA, i dont think she looked up the heart issues, and/or knew I had them.. I read that ibuprofen can cause serious side effects, and even worse side effects/more likely side effects with people with heart problems. Now, i am a little weary about taking them, because it seems like i shouldnt b taking them with my heart problems. They have me on 800mg, 3 times a day! EEKS... does any1 know anything about the two??? (heart problems/ibuprofen)..? It would help alot! THANKS!