
Icahn cleared by FTC to buy large blocks of Yahoo stock, what is his game plan?

by  |  earlier

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What do you think he has in mind for buying so many shares of yahoo stock, does he know something about the futures that we don't know or is he hoping that buying more stock will drive the prices up for the yahoo stock?

What is your opinion on this?





  1. He will buy a controlling interest in the company.  Sell off any parts that are not contributing to the company..  Get the board off of dead center.  And sell to the highest bidder.  And, omg, maybe even make a profit for himself and other shareholders.

  2. lots of people get help from here try it

  3. Ichan is a bottom-feeder.  He's made a name for himself as a cross between Gordon Gekko and a one-man vulture fund, but he's no great genius - he's just well capitalized.

    He'll lead a shareholder revolt and get the board kicked to the curb, and then Microsoft will come back with $28/share instead of $30, and Ichan will come out of this with about a million dollars, and a refreshed public image which will give him enough leverage with midcap boards that he'll be able to bend them over a barrel and make his real money.

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