
Ice Cream Truck Business???

by  |  earlier

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Recently thinking about a business to start and the thought came to mind to be a owner operator of my own Ice Cream Truck?yes it might sounds crummy lol,but seems like you can make some nice money?My real question is.... have anyone started a ice cream business and still currently making good off of it or is it a business not to even look into?thx Ppl




  1. With the price of gas and food, I haven't seen the ice cream truck all summer.

  2. I started my first ice cream shop in May this year and am excited about seeing results (profits) as the summer months progress.

    Kids love ice cream, parents love ice cream... heck, the whole world loves ice cream to beat the summer heat! As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best small businesses to be in, even with all the 'concerns' about the economy.

    My motto is: No one can say no to an ice cream cone :)

  3. I don't see how you can make nice money with that.

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