
Ice Skating Question???

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I've never been ice skating before... But I can rollerblade. If I can rollerblade, can I ice skate too??




  1. Just Maybe. If your balance is good and you are not scared to the ice it would be easy.

    Just follow thist tips:

    -Go with a friend or go in the wall til you think you can try skating alone.

    -Go with warm clothes

    -Dont be afraid of falling

    -Lace very well your skates

  2. its not TERRIBLY hard to ice skate but it scares the c**p out of me! i went last month for the first time in about 10 years and i was panicking but its fun when you live in southern california (like i do!)

    good luck and dress warm!

    oh and look out for chopped up ice (snowy) or slick patches

  3. Keep your hands out in front.  Most problems come from people leaning back, so consciously stay forward, knees bent slightly.  Very similar to roller blading, plus you can turn your blades sideways to stop, which does not work blading.  If they won't laugh, wear a helmet, so you can minimize injury potential if you slip backwards.  I assume you will be on a rink, not a pond where the ice can be irregular and difficult.

  4. Congrats on getting into the Figure Skating Sport! I'm sure you will like it a lot. Rollerblading and Figure Skating makes a good combination.

    Anyway, Just because you are a good Rollerblade doesn't necessarily mean your going to magicly become an awesome Figure Skater. But it will really help you a lot, because you know what it fells like to slip and slide a lot. Going on the ice will only feel a little bit more differently than on Rollerblades.

    If you love to Rollerblade, then I think you'll definitely like Figure Skating too. Just do what you'd normally do on Rollerblades. Have Fun and good luck! :)

  5. yes of course but skating doesn't compare with rollerblade

  6. Use the same techniques you use with roller blading.

    Ice skating is harder though because Roller blades have thicker wheels and on ice skates, you only have a smaller blade.

  7. you kind of can. They have their differences, I was the opposite. I'm a figure skater, but one time I tried rollerblades, and like I could move fine, but I didnt know how to stop. Like stopping is one thing thats different. But the whole motion of how you move your feet is the same.

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