
Ice Skating help please?

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I have been ice skating for about 7 months now, i have lessons on a weekly basis, but i suffer with terrible cramp when i skate, i recently bought my own ice skates as i thought the cause of the cramp would be the hire skates, these have not helped. I bought insoles with arch support, but these still have not helped either, i have been told everything from, eat bananas, to stretch your feet before skating, but nothing works! its got to the point where i spend more time off the ice resting me feet than i actually spend skating!

Does anyone have any suggestions that might help me pleeeeeeeeeeease??




  1. This happened to me!! I had only been skating a while in new figure skates, but I started getting a cramp. It was so annoying, as my coach would continually ask me why was I stopping in the middle of things. In the end i had to tell her that I was getting a cramp, and she told me that there was probably something wrong with my skate. But she also told me that stretching would also help. I turned out that my skates were slightly bent, which was REALLY unusual apparently. But all they had to do was bake them and set them to my foot shape. Ive since got new skates, but its worth getting them checked out by the people who sold you them.  

  2. Are you using figures skates or hockey skates??? Im an Ex-hockey player and Current Hockey coach. It is very important that you have a GREAT fit in your skates for them not to bother you..Of course the more money you spend on skates is directly related to how comfortable they will be.. Not saying you have to buy the most expensive ones you can find but you do have to spend some money!! And there is a break in period on all skates.  

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