
Ice Skating in California?

by Guest67280  |  earlier

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So I'm home schooled, which gives me a lot of time, that I usually just spend in doors. Walking bores me, running isn't too good in some areas of California [the car exhaust around my area is kind of heavy] and I don't have anyone to play sports with in the parks since all my friends are in regular school.

I decided to pick up a sport that would help me get in shape and also be a good thing to do with my free time, since I'm not interested in trying to become professional.

Are there any ice skating rinks or YMCAs with an ice skating rinks close to Long Beach, CA that isn't constantly packed with people? As I'm just going to be learning.




  1. please go to school

    home school is not right

  2. Here are rinks (and sports arenas) close or around Long Beach:

    And a quick search in Google with a map showing the rinks in relation to Long Beach.

    You'll have to see which rink is closest to you, but it will probably be Glacial Gardens in Lakewood, Skating Edge in Harbor City or Paramount Iceland in Paramount - possibly East West Ice Palace in Artesia.  

    You might see if there is already a group for homeschoolers at the rinks.  At my rink they held a group lesson during public session in the morning for homeschoolers (part of the rink was coned off for them).  I believe it was just once a week.  I don't know much about homeschooling, but I seem to recall one of the moms saying it counted towards their PE.  

    Morning weekday public sessions are probably the best "uncrowded" sessions.  Evenings and weekends tend to be crowded.  It can be crowded at any time when schools are out - like during winter/summer/spring break.  And you might call ahead of time to see if there are any groups coming in during a particular morning session.  We used to get bus loads of school groups every now and then . . . or camp kids in the summer.  There's never a guarantee that a rink will be crowded or not . . . but still morning public sessions are "mostly" uncrowded (adults work - kids are in school!).  

    Best of luck!

  3. I can't tell you how busy they are, but here's a link showing ice skating rinks in your area.  You might want to call them up and ask how busy they are at the times you're interested.  Also, make sure they have public skate at those times.;_ylc=X3oD...

  4. Welcome to the best sport in the world!!

    I have been skating for 16 years in California, and although I live in Huntington Beach, I skate at the East West Ice Palace in Artesia, which is not THAT far from you.

    Another good rink, closer to you, is Westminster Ice.  A very nice place, though not as nice as East West...if you ask me.

    I suggest you look in to a beginners group lesson and a couple of public practice sessions a week.  If you get addicted, which is a good possibility :), you can get in to private lessons and then some freestyle ice time.

    I think Figure skating is a great choice for home schooled was the best choice my mom ever made for me...16 years ago :)

    Good luck and feel free to email me with any questions...maybe I'll see you around East West!!

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