
Ice Skating this summer need some help.?

by  |  earlier

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So I will be only to get to rink 2 a week. Once for my 45 min. lesson and then on saturaday for around 4-6hrs. I was wondering what type of skate of riedells would work best? By the way I am 5'5 and im not fat but no skinny i weight over my weight limit (if that matters to skates). Is that plenty of time for a beginner? I will start my lessons this summer. Should i start going to the rink now once a week?

w/ skates i was thinking about getting riedells blue ribbon or the bronze medallion.

Anyways thanks for the comments! They are really appricatated!




  1. I would spring for the Bronze medallions if you know you're going to be serious about the sport.  

    That 4-6 hour session will be pretty long.  The more time on the ice the better, but you'll probably have to break it up or you'll just be too tired.

    If you can start going to the rink now you should.  Any time on the ice is great when you're beginning - it helps you get your confidence and get a feel for your balance.

  2. ASK YOUR COACH!!! We can't help you because we've never seen you skate! Generally if you plan on being competitive and jumping much you'll need at least the bronze star by riedell (if thats the company you want to go with). Here's a guide i found on their site:

  3. Well i think that is definetely enough time to skate but the type of skate all depends on the type of Jumps and spins you are doing .... the boot that you have chose will only work if you are doing really easy jumps

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