I have a Frigidaire refridgerator with a filetered water and ice maker system. Recently we discovered that there wasn't any water coming from the water filtration system and no ice was being made. I finally got the water to work by changing the filter and making sure the Household and and Saddle water lines were on. After all that, I noticed that there was air, no, it actually looked like there the water wasn't fully going through the ice maker water line. I figured it might be because there was something wrong at the Ice Maker Inlet value or that there was frozen ice clog coming through the tube that fills the well. Sure enough - there was frozen ice in the tube, I think because there wasn't any water flowing through the fill tube. I finally melted the ice with a blow dryer and the ice slid out. Yet, the water still did not come in. Onto the ice maker inlet at the bottom of the applicance. I unscrewed the inlet only to find out that there wasn't any water coming out. Yet, there is water being fed to the water filter. I think I narrowed down the issue to the ice maker inlet valve. What do I do next?