1) one of the rivets on the bottom of my skate came off. what should i do? go to the pro shop and let them s***w in another rivet? can i buy one from the hardware store and do it myself?
also how many rivets should i have to hold the mount? currently i have four and it seems to be enough.
2) where the loose rivet was, the wood on my skate looks wierd. it looks likes its just a little loose. is that normal? (also for my other rivets that are still in place the wood looks like that.
3) the holes that are not filled in( don't have rivets in them), the mount sorta made an imprint and i can see it. is that supposed to happen?
4) what's the best website to find knee pads? or sports store to buy them. i tried the volleyball knee pads (small ones) from sports authority, but i'm not sure if those allow free movement.
5) is it necessary to wet seal the leather of the boots, and the sole of the skate? if so what is the best product to use? wet seal or can i buy anything.