
Ice skating- 3 turn :S?

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Im doing my 3 turn's atm in my lessons, but i find it really hard. Is there any tips or rules i need to know that would make it easier to do? Thanks.




  1. Use your hips!! Yup yup. Make that body turning motion just like the two foot turns you should have mastered by now. Check your tracing and you'll know when you have done it right.

    This may be unclear but you'll also know when you hear a swish sound. No scratching, like the toe pick dragging sound, just a sweet "swish." It's such a nice sound. :)

  2. Rule of thumb for all tri-turns is that the skating knee must be in the motion "BEND-STRAIGHT-BEND".  The straightening of the skating leg is actually what causes the tri-turn to happen, and the bending of the leg which follows 'checks' the turn.  

    Oh and don't turn on your toe-pick, it's only proper to turn on the spot directly behind the toe-pick called the 'sweet spot'.

  3. First of all make suer that you are holding your hands correctly. That is what helps you rotate. Then don't make it too big. Just like everything else in skating you can start out small and then make it bigger and better as you improve. Next you will want to make sure and bend your skating knee (the one you are turning on) right before the turn. That will help smooth out the turn.  And remember to rotate your hips.

    Another thing if you haven't tried it beofre try practcing it holding onto the wall a few times. That will help you get the right technique without having the fear of falling as much.

    Well I Hope That Helps. Good Luck.

  4. When i started to do three turns I very quickly found out that you need alot of core *stomach* strenght....Situps!!! and more situps!!!

    After a few days of situps between lessons I mastered all 4 three-turns in one lesson.

  5. Don't forget to come up for the turn.. like bend your knee, come up for the turn and bend your knee again.

    look at this

  6. Pretend like you are making a three. Make sure you are rotating your arms correctly too. That will help. If you  need to slow down at first, go ahead, then pick up speed later.

  7. Go to look up "How to Ice Skate" and it explains the 3 turn. If you don't have that kinda' time, i took the liberty of copying and pasting it below:


    During the three-turn, the ice skater can turn from either going from backward skating to forward skating, or forward skating to backward skating. If done correctly, the ice skate blades will trace the number three on the ice. The following are some tips that will help you learn how to switch directions by performing the three-turn maneuver

    1. Begin skating forward on a left outside edge, and place your right foot just off the ice, and pointed toward the right. 2. Look in the direction you are skating, the left arm should be in the front and the right arm out to the side. 3. Bend both knees, keep right leg off the ice, but bring it in near the left leg. 4. Perform an outside edge with your left foot, pushing off with the right inside edge. 5. Straighten the left knee and transfer the weight to the ball of the foot. 6. Twist the upper body counterclockwise, shift the left skate, and spin it around in the opposite direction you were skating. 7. You are now skating backwards with the left arm to the back (direction skating) and the right arm to the front of the body.

  8. the longer your foot is, the longer the edges have to be. (applies to everything in skating)

    try not to make the edges short and choppy.

    make them longggggeeeerrrr.

    here is the basic anatomy of a 3 turn:

    you are down on the first edge, bending your knees and ankles,

    then on the turn you rise up a bit to cause less friction. (dont go all the way on the toe)

    then back down on the end edge, also bending your knees and ankles.

    the same applies for brackets, rockers, counters,loops (the turn, not the jump) and every other turn you can think of.,

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