
Ice skating..for the first time?

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okay i might ice skate for the first time, and i guess i don't really mind because some of my other friends haven't ice skated either....but does your weight have to do anything about ice skating.

And is there any tips you can tell me...please and thank you




  1. No.

  2. have you ever roller bladed before? it's a lot like that. try to glide from one foot to the other. and if your new I'd suggest staying on the side until you think you've got it down.

    I'm around 100 pounds and can skate pretty good. so if your around that you'll be fine. but it's mostly about balance.

  3. Weight usually doesn't have much to do with it, but having a healthy weight may make it easier.  For starters, try to just glide around, or just experiment. Push from one leg to the other while maintaining balance. Have fun, but be careful, ice can be dangerous. If you have to option of using a walker, try it and see if you like it. It may work for ya, so. Good luck!

  4. It's a lot like carving a turn in alpine skiing. Keep one foot going straight, and push the other foot out and pull it back in making a C shape on the ice. You'll move forward. Do it with both feet.

    Bam, you just did a power skating drill.

  5. Your weight doesn't really matter.  Just remember to bend your knees and don't look down.

  6. It is not about your weight, it is mainly about balance!

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