
Ice skating help?

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im on grade five how long till i do jumps spirals & spins ?

how hard were they 4 u?

can any one give me any tips ?




  1. What is grade 5???

  2. i'm sorry i don't know what "grade 5" is

  3. Hi there (again lol)

    I'm taking a wild guess that you're talking about UK skate level 5... so what i'll do - i'll list what you'll learn at each skate level from 5 onwards...

    Level 5

    Forward Crossovers in both Directions

    Backward Snowplough Stop

    Backward One-Foot Glide

    Two-Foot Spin (one revolution)

    Level 6

    Continuous Backward Chasses around Circle

    Forward Two-Foot Slalom

    Forward Outside 3-Turn

    Backward Skating-Stepping Forward in both Direction

    Level 7

    Backward Crossovers in both Directions

    Forward Inside 3-Turn

    Continuous Forward Outside Curves

    Continuous Forward Inside Curves

    Level 8

    Forward Inside Mohawk (Left and Right )

    Two Backward Crossovers followed by Sustained

    Backward Outside Curve for a count of 3

    Two-Foot Change on Edge on a Large Curve

    Forward Drag

    Level 9

    Forward Beginner Cross Rolls

    Bunny Hop

    Backward Edges (both Feet & both Edges)

    Two Backward Crossovers followed by sustained

    Backward Inside Curve for a count of 3  

    Level 10

    Forward Crossovers in a Figure Eight Pattern

    Backward Crossovers in a Figure Eight Pattern

    Two-Glide in a Spiraling Curve

    Simple Step Sequence

    You'll find that most jumps will come easily enough if your balance is good, technique is only half the battle. If you'd like any help with jump or balance technique (and believe me i've helped a good few people with this topic on here lol) feel free to mail me

    hope this helped, happy skating!!

    jorja x*x

  4. the jumps you start off learning (like waltz jumps) are not hard to do they just take some practice to make them look good and to jump nice and high

    spirals are kind of the same deal .... you'll probably be able to do one almost right just will take you some time to get it to look impressive.

    spins are a little more difficult. they take a little bit more focus and timing than the beginner jumps so you just have to work on them for a while

    have fun with them ...when you learn them you can show off for your friends

  5. I have this booklet I got for Ice Skating, here's what it says:

    basic 5:

    backward outside edge on a circle, right and left

    backward inside edge on a circle, right and left

    beginning one foot spin up to three revolutions, optional entry and free foot position

    hockey stop

    side toe hop, both directions

    basic 6:

    forward inside three turn from a standstill position, right and left

    moving backward to forward two foot turn on a circle, clockwise and counter clockwise

    T-stop, right and left

    bunny hop

    forward arabesque/spiral on a straight line, right and left

    forward lunge, right and left.

    basic 7:

    forward inside open mohawk from a standstill position, right to left and left to right

    backward outside edge to forward outside edge transition on a circle, right and left

    backward crossovers to a backward outside edge (landing position), clockwise and counter clockwise

    forward inside pivots, right and left

    basic 8:

    moving forward outside three turn on a circle, right and left

    moving forward inside three turn on a circle, right and left

    combination move: forward crossovers (2) into forward inside mohawk, step down and cross behind, step into backward crossover (1) and step to forward inside edge, repeat three times, clockwise and counter clockwise

    one foot spin, optional entry and free foot position

    waltz jump

    mazurka, right and left

    this is from US figure skating basic skills program. I hope this helps!

  6. Easy peasy japanesey

  7. when i started i did leavels so it was all evened out but when u learn a new jump always practice on the ground it will give u the best results. when i learned my walz jump i didnt even relize i was doing it on the ice because i practice so much on the ground and always streatch

    best of luck

  8. you learn jumps and spins starting in three levels at FS1, and they weren't hard for me(haven't learned all the jumps yet). don't worry everything takes practice and a coach will help you through.  spirals were not hard for me either.  practicing off ice first helps.  remember all of these moves take time ans it is different for each person.  some things may take longer or shorter time to learn.

  9. do you mean Skate UK level 5?
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