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Camel spin, sitspin and a layback spin.:)




  1. camel: ride the edge into the spin, bend then straighten, arch your back, keep your shoulders square

    sitspin:  center your spin and synchronize your arm and leg when they close

    layback: center your spin, bend your head, arms and leg at the same time, try not to bend or tilt to the side

    just practice, they'll get better. :)

  2. camel spin: make sure your free leg is behind you and not out to the side. also don't spin on your toepick.

    sit spin: bring your leg around straight, not curved and snap it together right away. get as low as you can, it doesn't matter if you fall at first.

    layback: push your hips forward and your back back. it's not about leaning back your head, it's about your back. also, gain a lot of speed and make sure your free knee is as high as your free hip.

    hope that helps you...

  3. Camel spin:think of this, it used to be called a helicopter spin, just keep your back slightly ached on the horizontal, head up, both legs straight and dont let the blade supporting you fall to the inside edge. imagine someone is pulling your free leg straight behind you, and try bending your knee right down when you go into it with your back slightly over, it gives you a headstart on your spinning poisiton.

    Sit spin: you need to be as low as possible, and try to keep enough space between your knees to fit your fist (I dont recommend testing out how much space there is while spinning though). turn the hip out (free leg) and try to have your bum below the bent knee (this is required in new judging system to be marked) if you cant get up from there, use one hand to push up on knee.

    Lay back: number 1-be careful. number 2-dont go into position without a good center when your still getting your technique right.

      keep your supporting leg strong and straight, and your free leg bent behind you. DONT put your head back, you will kill yourself. lay in your lower back, so that you can feel it using your stomach muscles. make sure that you can see past your arms, they should be in front of you and elevated so you can see them, but they arent above your head. push your hips out, this will hold your legs in position once you get it.

    These spins will take some time, I only got my layback properly after i started with my russian coach, so dont get frustrated if you dont get it perfect the first time. good luck, i hope this has helped

  4. Camel Spin: When you go into it make sure to bend your knee and snap up into the spin. You should go up onto your toe pick and come back down. That is called the hook. Keep your arms straight behind you, and make sure your leg in the air is right behind you. Be sure to keep all your weight on your spinning foot.

    Sit spin: Okay, I can go on and on all day about this. But first off work on some shoot the ducks. This will help you strengthen your thighs, and how the position feels. keep in mind though that shoot the ducks are on a straight line (Or curve) and to stay moving your back needs to be arched over. In your sit spin it shouldn't be like that. The centripetal force of the spin should keep you spinning for a while, so in the spin try to straighten your back. It shouldn't and can't be all the way straight because otherwise you will fall. But tuck your bottom in, try to keep your back straight, point your toe, keep your arms together, keep all your weight on the spinning foot, and you should be fine. Be sure to keep your legs squished together! In the beginning if your leg is wrapped around your skating foot (Called tea cupping) that's fine! Just practice some and eventually you will straighten it out.

    Layback: Go into this spin like a scratch spin, but keep your foot out to the side. Be sure to keep all your weight on the spinning foot! Push your hips forward, which will make your back arch. That is the basic form of a layback. When you are comfortable with that position then you can start experimenting with it.

    Here is a website where you can ask figure skating questions and the pros will answer them:

    Sometimes people's tips, including myself, won't help you do the spins. But they will give you the determination to try the spins. So go for it!

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  5. ok

    Camel Spin: Keep your back arched and leg straight behind you, not out to the side. When you enter your spin be sure to drive your left arm back and keep your back arched. To help arch your back lift your head up, rather than looking down.

    Sit Spin: Make sure to bring your leg around and down. Don't just bring it down right away, if you do that you will have no speed to spin. keep your back up, and arms out. To strengthen your quads so you can sit lower try wall sits. Just sit against a wall in your house as if you are sitting in a chair, (but no chair) hold it for a minute. Try to do this exercise  almost every day.

    Layback: First of all you should try an exercise i use. Glide forward on the ice lift your right leg in front of you, then slowly take it to the right and hold that position for about 3 seconds then bring your right leg around and back into the layback position and lean back. Another thing is to not so much think about leaning back, but to think about lifting your chest and head up to the ceiling. Once you feel more comfortable with the spin start leaning back.

    Hope I helped!! :)

  6. rember on all of your spins to step around cause you will get more spead

    camel:leg behind not to the side and bend your knee with your foot on the ground and lock the one in the air!

    sitspin:dont bend your back keep it straight it will help you keep your balance and also dont wrap your leg around hold it straight!!

    hoped this helped!

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