
Ice skating...?

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i started ice skating for about two months last winter. im thirteen years old and live in minnesota and i loved it but i was a little discouraged feeling that i was a little old to be starting, even though i was told that i wasnt. i wanted to progess faster and practice more than i did and could. i have an ice arena by my house but im not comfortable with taking lessons with other, mostly likely younger skaters. i want to start it back up again but usually how long does it take to become "good"? Good meaning learning tricks and not stuff like going backwards, bunny hops, and two foot spins. I really want to ice skate, but I'm just not sure I have the patience to become good, though I am pretty flexible and a fast learner. I also dont know how to practice in the summer, since theres no outdoor rinks. What's your opinion?




  1. You're never too old!  When signing up for lessons, ask if you can be part of the adult class.  I started at 12, I skated with the adult class.  I too didn't want to skate with the little kids.  If you want to improve faster at your pace, check into private lessons.  Typically, I'd say it takes a good year or two of lessons and practicing to get into single jumps and a little more advanced spins.  How "good" you are takes practice time and hard work.  Don't get discouraged when things don't come overnight....just keep practicing and remember you're doing it for you -- not anybody else.  Check around your area for other rinks.  Most major cities have at least one indoor rink.  Get info on which skating club calls that rink home and get involved in their group lesson program.  Make some friends, meet new coaches and just enjoy it!  :)

  2. You are definately not too old. I am 17 and have been skating for several years. I teach now and there are so many people who come that are old. Including adults. If you don't want to be with younger children in classes maybe you could get private lessons. You will progress faster in a one on one atmosphere. So do what you want and don't worry about the younger kids. You will do really well.

  3. Hey elizabeth i noticed you put up another question. You know how i do artistic skating but on roller skates it is almost the same as ice skating but not so cold. I help teach the learn to skate program at my club and we have lots of levels including an adults class. Some people at the calss that are older than 12 or 13 usually join in with the adults because they probably feel ythe same way as you do a bit intimidated. Another way to improve your skating is having private lessons  they really help you improve a lot faster. I see little juniors at my club not even being able to do a waltz jump or 2 foot spin and then i see them again in a month or two they have a routine made up and starting to do a pump camel it really is amazing how fast you can improve when you have lessons but also remember you can't just have lessons and do no training you also have to practice the skills you learn in your lesson. I suggest that in the allocated training time when you have your lesson after it is finshed get your coach  or write it down yourself in a book what have learnt and waht you need to practice before your next lesson

    xoxo Good luck

  4. I'm 15 and started lessons  like 5 months ago and I have improved so much!i went from just being able to skate without falling and now I can do  more of the advanced things and feel so much more comfortable on the ice than before.and I thought I was really good before taking lessons but I've realized I really wasn't. seeing how good I am now.and before I could barely lift up my leg without falling even if I was holding on to something, and now I can do a good spiral.I still have alot of work to do, but it didn't take me long at all to see improvements.and it is alot of fun! you should totally get back into it!

  5. Skate when you can and have fun with it. Consider joining a synchronized skating team in your area. It's fun, you'll make new friends.

  6. i had the same  problem. i started skating about three years ago and I'm about to be fourteen in august. i started taking group lessons and i felt a little awkward when everyone around me was half my size. my advice to you is if your not comfortable with group lessons then go public skating and work on your basic moves and then maybe get a private instructor. if you set your mind to it then you can catch up to people who have been skating for years. but it will take a lot of hard work. but keep it up : )

  7. i started skating when i was 4 and i am now 14 i am good at figure skating and i love it so much. age doesnt matter. the only thing that matters is if you like what you are doing. some people are quicker at developing skills at skating so if i were you i would continue on with skating and im sure you will love it

  8. you are not to old, i started skating when i was 11 and  when i was 12 i passed 7 levels
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