
Ice skating.....?

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I'm 14 years old.

I started ice skating about 4 months ago when i was 13

(Birthday 10th April '94)

and i was wondering if i actually have a chance to be in the olympics because i always loved ice skating ever since i knew there was such thing...i used to watch the skaters on tv and watch the pros practice in the arena but it's not until recently when i got to take up ice skating myself......

so do i have a chance to be in the winter olympics as a figure skater?

thank you..... =]

love, toffee xx




  1. i am going to be honest. you are a little too old to make the olympics in solo skating but you could try out for dance or maybe pairs i started at 8 years old and was told i was too old i missed out on the primary and most of the junior championships as i was always to old when i qualfied so had to aim for the seniors which i did and made it but i am a very fast learner!

    keep at it and maybe take a different route to dance or pairs.

    i dont want to lie to you and say yes and get your hopes up.

    hope this helps toffee!

  2. There is a chance you could make it to a the winter games, but maybe not until 2018 if you wanna b totally prepared for whats ahead of you. There are a lot of little dynamos up and coming at the senior level, you have to work harder than they do and totally dedicate yourself sincee your a late stater.

    Anything could happen!

  3. You need dedication, LOTS of hours on the ice, a super-fantastic coach, loads of natural talent, willingness to train hard on-ice and off-ice, take all the extra classes to refine your look, and have THOUSANDS of dollars per year of expendable income.  

    The thing is, even if you don't get to the Olympics there are many, many competitions before you would get to that level where you can immerse yourself in the sport and have a great time competing.  The Olympics is ONE competition.  Achieving success in the skating world is a long and hard road - but it doesn't mean that competing at lower levels aren't worth it.  It's a challenging sport both mentally and physically.  It grows your brain and tones your body.  It's worth it just for the sake of skating.

  4. i know this is going to sound cheesee..but everyone does have a chance to make it that far, you just have to try really in the position myself...even knnow i started 5 yrs your working on some of my doubles....and i trying to think..because im in starskate...if i even have a chance going competitiv.e...cuz i will never be at the top prob...but ..realistically..unless you start doing doubles by nxt might not have a get to the olympics..because out of everyone in the world..only like 20 ppl get to go to it for figure skatting...but there are also other really great chances in figure skating that are not competitions..provinical..and nationals..


  5. You could have a chance if you start training sometime soon. You must be dedicated and commited to take up skating. Skaters in the Olympics start skating when they are 3-8 years old. I cannot recall anyone starting skating in their teens being in the Olympics, but even if you never make it to the Olympics, you can still qualify for Nationals, Sectionals, and International competitions. It's every skaters goal to be in the Olympics, but very, very few make it. Also, it's an expensive sport, so your parents must be willing to pay for it. Senior level skaters spend about $30,000+ a year on skating. But if you do well enough you could get a sponsor or benefactor to pay for your skating. As long as you enjoy skating and have fun doing it, I'd say you could go for it.
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