
Ice skating skates?? what type?

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I am thinking of getting ice skates but I am not sure if I should get figure skating ones or sports ones. (does it really make a difference?) I saw these Reebok ones but they were ice hockey ones and I want to be able to do tricks in the one I will get. Is there ones that can be used both ways? ps. I might forget to ask something, I always do! so if i do, can you edit your answers to answer the q? thanks!




  1. You need figure skating ones. For spins and jumps, it is essential to have figure skating skates. Resist the temptation to get the hockey ones, however more manly they look compared to figure skates.


    By the way, im gathering your a beginner. Just so you know NEVER get Riedell ones. Ever. They are incredibly popular, but they are of such cheap quality that they wont be a very dependable skate. My coach and my skate dealer both abhor them and for a good reason. Also Harlicks are great, but will be too tough for beginners. Save them for axels/doubles.  For your level, get a cheaper pair of Jacksons (maybe lightly preowned if you think they are too expensive). Find a skate shop thats specialized in figure skating. If you go to a general sports shop they wont know jack squat about skates, and they will sell you something that doesnt fit or work for your level and you wont know any better.

  2. if u want to do tricks I would get figure skates. there is a site that has a whole bunch of skates and such so I would check it out.

    good luck skate shopping!!!: )

  3. It all really depends on what you want to do.  Hockey skates are made for speed, efficient pushing and quick movements.  Figure skates (better ones) are made for jumping, spinning and quality edges.  

    What kind of tricks do you want to do?  If you want to jump or spin, you'll need a figure skate blade.  Hockey skates do not have toe picks that are used for some jumps and have a different rocker (subtle rounding of the blade length wise) on the blade for spins.  

    I don't have a ton of experience with hockey skates, but if you're interested in going that direction, I would go to a hockey shop and get some advice on which brand/model to go with.  As for figure skates, again, it depends on what you want to do.  The skates that you'd find at a sporting goods chain store are probably only good for a lap or two around the rink or pond a few times a year.  If you want better skates with more ankle support for jumping/spining, better quality materials and a better quality blade, go to an experience skate shop.  Tell them what you want to accomplish (lessons/recreational), and they will be able to set you up with a boot/blade set (in advanced figure skates, the boot and the blade are not sold together) in the correct size for your foot and recommended model/brand for what you want to do.  

    When you get your skates, be sure to have them sharpened before going out on the ice.  New blades usually do not come out-of-the-box ready.  Also, for good blade maintenance, make sure to wipe the excess moisture off when you're done skating, never store your blades with hard plastic guards on (those are only for walking off ice and can cause your blades to rust) and invest in a pair of terry cloth guards -- called soakers -- to protect your blades during storage.  You can even take it one more step to let your skates dry out without soakers on when the skates are not being used to further prevent rusting and other problems.

    If you want to do tricks, whether it be on hockey skates or figure skates, check with your local rink and ask if they have a group lesson program.  There you can learn the basics for all ice sports -- hockey, figure, speed -- and advance from there if you enjoy it.

    Good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for!  I'd say go with the figure skates, but I might be a little biased.  :)

  4. If you're at all interested in "tricks" then you should stick with figure skates.  I'm thinking you mean jumps or spins, right?  Figure skates are the way to go - you need a figure skating blade with a rocker and a toe pick.  

    I started skating in recreational skates that were about $50 bucks.  They didn't break the bank and they were very, very comfortable to learn basic skills in.   They have a figure skating blade but they look more like hockey skates.

    (By the way, basic skills means learning all your edges, stops,  turns, crossovers, and strokes.  It took me several months to learn, although many people are faster than me.)

    I wore them until I needed something more advanced, then I switched to Jackson Freestyles.

    These were really decent skates and more appropriate for figure skating.  

    Good luck!

  5. ok if you are thinking about buying skates than I would recommend figure skates no matter what. unless you are planning to get into hockey than deffenitly get Hockey skates. But other wise do not get hockey skates no matter what. you may be able to buy them cheap but you have to get the blades sharpenned like almost every time you skate. If you would like to just skate with abseloutly no purpose and just skate forwards just for fun than I would reccomend getting Jackson Glacier skates. I bought mine for seventy five dollars when I was just learning how to skate. If you want to spin or jump or anything that is classifyed as figure skating than you would want to get the Jackson Freestyle boots. Get these seperatley from the blade. If you buy them together the blade sucks really bad. For the blade i had Wilson. A basic middle class blade would work great with this boot. Just ask who ever is fitting you what blade would go well with your skates and everything would go well. You can do a lot on the Freestyle skates double jumps and everyspin. I have no knowledge about Hockey skates so I can not help you there. Best of luck with your skating!!!!!!

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