
Ice skating testing help!?

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I am working on my pre-juvenile moves in the field test and i am having a very hard time with power pulls. Any pointers?

Thanks ahead :]




  1. I am a pro ice skater and I know that for power pulls you must dig into the ice and push. Keep your upper body still and don't swing your arms around. Do not l;ook down or you will lose your balance. Keep your arms strong, to do this think if someone was trying to push your arms down don't let them.

  2. Practice doing them from a stand still on the blue or red lines, that makes you use your ankles and actually push.

  3. Exactly what the person above me said.  For practice, you could try doing power pulls with your hands on your hips, your head, or behind your back.  This forces you not to use your upper body and to use your legs.  Also, make sure to bend your knees enough.

  4. make sure you aren't just wiggling. you need to make sure your power-pulls are coming from your legs and not your upper-body. crunching sounds are good :D they mean you are getting more power.  also, the reason you loose your balance is because you are too far back on your heel, make sure you are more torwards the balls of your feet (that point where you spin, right below the toes)

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