
Ice skating tips for beginners?

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I am 17 and me and some friends thought it would be fun to go ice skating tonight. But I think the last time I went ice skating I was probably 10 and I didn't like it and was bad then, so I have a feeling that tonight I will embarass myself because I am probably the only one that sucks and can't ice skate! Any suggestions for people who suck at ice skating and want to be semi-good their first time? Im not expecting anything great, just to be able to at least skate and not walk on my skates, (because that is what I did the last time if I remember correctly).




  1. Don't worry about looking silly, most people on the public sessions don't know how to skate very well. I would suggest using your arms for balance, and also "marching" into a glide on the ice. You can also try stroking with the inside of your blades and gliding on the other foot, while stroking with the other foot. Good luck!

  2. keep focased and put ur arms out it will give u balence so u wont fall and dont try to do anything fancy

  3. what you should really remember to do is to NOT LOOK DOWN AT THE ICE! this will cause you to lean down and trip because figure skates have a toe pick at the front. or if u're using hockey skates, the blade is ROUND at the front, so you'll also slip and trip. just keep your back really straight because this will give u balance and not cause you to lean forward. in addition, you may not want to wave/ fling your arms around, trust me ;)

    have fun with it :)

  4. firstly make sure you well balanced when your on the ice, TRY not to think "omg omg omg im gonna fall" because the more you think that, the higher chance you will fall...

    first start off skating on the edges, next to the wall so if you doo need balance or something you can hold on to the wall for support.

    start gliding, and relax, because if your all stiff you won't go as smoothly, and you would fall over. don't be scared of all the people whizzing pass you, because they know how to skate they know how to stop and things...


  5. dont worry about it :) your friends will be able to help you.

    just remember to keep your back straight (but dont lean back!), knees bent, and maybe hold your arms out for balance.

    if your are nervous, try skating close to the barrier, then taking longer and longer breaks from it. e.g. go 1/4 of the rink not touching the barrier, then 1/2, the 3/4.... remember to point your toes out slightly and push back and behind you with one skating. then bring both skates together and repeat with the other foot. dont try walking on the ice, it doesnt work and you end up either going nowhere or slipping around :P keep your weight over the middle of the blade and dont look down at the ice, it'll always be there :)

    dont worry about falling, everyone falls, often in strange and embarrassing ways :D i hardly go through a lesson or practice without falling. its actually good cos it can make you feel more relaxed once you realise its not bad, and can mean you're learning.

    remember if you fall to land on your thigh or butt and dont put your arms out straight to catch you, it will hurt your wrists. once down keep your hands off the ice as much as possible, out of skaters ways. get on all fours then put one knee up and push yourself up. if you want to, bring gloves. they make being in the cold so much nicer and save your hands from freezer burn and scratches.

    most importantly have fun with your friends :)

    happy skating!

  6. if you can't skate, you will have to walk on your skates. after a while you will start to naturally glide. and don't worry about embarrassing yourself. your friends probably suck too.

  7. 1.) Dont be afraid to fall

    2.) Don't worry you are not the only one in the rink who will suck

    3.) Dont lean forward or backward so much.

    4.) Dont use your toe pick (the spiky thing infront of your blade)

    5.) Keep on smiling!

  8. just dont fall.

  9. try & stay as balanced as possible. [ my coach tells be to pretend there is a pole running through my back, kinda wierd, i know ]

    when you try to stop dont lean your whole body forward to stop with your pick.  [ edgedy thing on front of blade ] rather, just use one foot & bend it sort of.

    just keep your knees steady too. dont let them fall inwards.

    i doubt you'll be the ONLY one that sucks. & good luck remember just have fun!

  10. The most important thing is to try & relax.  It takes a long time & lots of practice to learn to skate gracefully -- longer if you're tense!

    When you arrive at the rink have a look around at other people.  If there are lots of beginners, most of them will not be very graceful but the only ones that look silly are the ones taking themselves too seriously.  (Also, if you're tense it hurts more when you fall.)

    Keep your chin up (literally!) and laugh & have some fun!

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