
Ice training equipment???

by  |  earlier

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is it necessary to buy any of those protective pads for ice skating? when it comes to doubles and axles then do i need them? which pads do you need the most? hip, tailbone, and knees?

what do you think?





  1. It is really up to you as the skater, for me the crash pants that have the hip and tailbone pads are great especially since I've broken my tailbone so many times. Most skaters don't seem to use the knee pads, but if a skater feels like it helps them then typically they will use them. From what I've seen most skaters have the crash pants (which have the hip and tailbone pads, and you put on like shorts) the pads can really help take some of the impact off of the falls.

  2. i think you should buy crash pads for your butt protection.. and knee pads and gloves of course i think you should tell your coach to let you have a harness when your training ..


  3. i hate butt pads!! they are extremely uncomfortable and it's okay to feel a little pain, it lets you know you're working hard. Unless you're jumping more than 3 feet into the air and falling on triples where breaking hips is a possibility, i don't suggest them. I'm on my double axel and i refuse to wear padding though alot of people at my rink do. I don't see much of a difference in when I use them from when i don't so I gave up on those. They aren't necessary unless you are really buising yourself or cracking any bones.

  4. i am working on my doubble lutz/axel and i had the faom crash pads and they dont seen to work as well as the gell ones. they are a little more expensive, but they work very good and you only need one. I have a whole set (two hips and a tailbone) but i only use on hip one. All you have to do it slip it in the middle of your tights and your undies. or some people even put them in their undies =] i would get them because they HELP A LOT!!!! thats the link to buy them. just get one hip pad, according to your weight. **** LUCK!!!

  5. None of the pads are nessesary, but any skater will tell you that it is a really good idea to get tailbone pads. It'll look wierd to some people, but at least you won't be killing your butt.

    When it comes to axels, get wrist guards. My best friend broke her wrist when she messed up an axel.

    In doubles, wear the tailbone pads and the wrist guards. Skating is fun, but it can be dangerous!

    When you fall on your knees, it doesn't really hurt at all.

    When you fall on your hips, it can hurt if you don't fall right.  Kind of wierd that there's a right way to falling, right?

    Take it from someone who knows: falling on your butt is embarrassing and really painful!

    Good Luck!

  6. lol i dont use any protective gear and im still in one piece!!

    im doing all my double jumps .... haha and if i injure myself i have to take it like a man!!! LOL

    lol but yea i guess it would be ideal to wear some of that ay ....


    my friend used to wear the foam pads around her waist and she said they worked well .... i was thinking of using them but then it occured to me ... you wouldnt be wearing them at comps ... for me that probably would have stressed me out because i kno that if i fell i could hurt myself .... so i dun think theyd be a good idea for me ... i think its better to train like you would skate in comps ... =]

    but thats my personal opinion. =]

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