
Iceland offers free parking for Eco friendly cars,should USA have the same deal,...?

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  1. In Britain it doesn't seem to matter what you drive you still get hammered for tax on petrol by the Government. 70p of every £ goes to the government in petrol tax!!!  and as for parking.... well it just keeps going up and up and....... they'll be taxing us next to breath!

  2. Yes, the U.S.A ,should take the same deal.

  3. Rent parking spaces appropriately sized, but no, better to leave all costs on those who choose to drive.

    My car consumes 60 litres of gas per mega-metre of driving, a level that GM brags about when it gets it. But I could be driving a car that uses half that much fuel.  

    Instead of giving the break on parking, make it a tax on fuel so that I am rewarded directly by not using the fuel.

  4. Here in Melbourne, Australia they introduced special lanes on some major roads that were only accessible to cars with 2 or more people in them, during peak hours.  Due to the open spaces in these lanes, people did start doubling up.

    Taking the Built It and They Will Come mentality and applying it to conservation measures as you suggest is a winner.  When people realise they can get a much better park with their eco-car, that will be yet another factor to sway them when they decide what new car to buy.

    Let's face it, for people to adopt something, in general, there has to be something in it for them.

    I think that sounds like an outstanding idea.


  5. USA hardly even has any eco friendly cars yet! Those hybrids are a joke, they get less mpg every year

  6. Sounds like a plan.

  7. I don't have a problem with long as the free parking also applies to my horse, horse and cart, pony and cart, goat and cart, or one of our 40 year old trucks being driven on biofuel we grow and produce on our own farm....not just the "green" car they are churning out, and producing more plastics to make, as well as mining huge areas to make the batteries for.

    Yup, as long as TRUELY green "vehicles" are included, then I don't have a problem.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    P.S.  I don't go and touch "your" Hummer, Hybrid, BMW, VW, motorcycle, scooter, or bycycle....don't touch my horse, pony, goat, or the cart.

  8. Eventually when there are more Eco-cars, so, YES!

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