
Icey hot and headaches?

by  |  earlier

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can i use the ice hot cream for headaches??? i dont take tyenole or advil never have and never will so i was wondering if icey hot whould work




  1. Nope not at all.  it says clearly on the label not to put it on your face or head.   Headaches arent always caused by irritable head muscles

  2. no because it won't help. all icy hot, tiger balm, bengay, etc don't actually help an injury. all they do is mess with the sensors on your skin and block the pain. Once the irritation is gone then most likely you are warm and you can't feel the pain. I don't know why you won't take meds but don't use icy hot all you will have is a burning sensation on your head along with a head ache

    try caffeine pills or drink some soda. the caffeine opens up your blood vessels which causes more blood to get to your brain which will help decrease your headache

  3. no.why would you even ask that. icy hot is for mussel pains..

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