Hi and thanks in advance.
I have 3 goldfish (2 ryukins and a pearlscale) that live in a 65 gallon tank with a canister filter. Chemistry looks pretty good.
One of them looks like it is developing ich on it's dorsal fin. The spots are quite faint, and evenly distributed in sort of a grid pattern. You can mostly see them when the fin is erect and you look through it.
Anyway, I've read a good bit about this, and a lot of people swear by salting the tank and a lot of others say it's a total crock and you need to medicate. The salt concetration I see most is 0.3% which is something like 3 TEAspoons per gallon or ~195 teaspoons (4 cups?) in my tank.
That seems like a h**l of a lot of salt for a freshwater fish. I've slowly added about 1/3 of that and am not sure how good I feel about going further with it, though the fish seem fine so far. There's no way I'm raising the temp (72 now) to 80 though. Assuming I actually get the salt level up, how long does it have to stay like that to be effective? Seems like ~2 weeks or so?
I also have (sitting at home) some Jungle Ich cure tablets. Contains one of the something or other "green" meds as well as a multicure called "Clout" that list Ich as #1 on the list. I have coppersafe in the cabinet as well, but I had a fish get kidney failure one time after I used that stuff.
Trying to figure out:
1- Should I should continue down the salt path
2- Are my salt numbers correct
3- How long salt would need to be in there
4- Should I switch to meds
5- Which med
6- Do I need to get the salt out before using a med