
Ich treatment that doesn't stain?

by Guest66629  |  earlier

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are there any ich treatments that dont leave blue stains?




  1. Aquarium salt...depending on the fish...this is a natural treatment but ich is very hard to treat and you may have to use the blue stuff. Never use table salt because it will kill your fish.

  2. There are a few "clear" ich treatments on the market, however the active ingredient is blue.  If you are having a probem with the staining, remove your decorations from the tank first.

  3. Malachite green and copper are two of the most common Ich treatments, both of which will stain silicone or acrylic.  Methylene blue has been uesed, often with little success, but also stains acrylic and silicone.  Formalin is also very common, but is rarely used by itself.  If you can get some acriflavine, you'd be able to easily treat it without any threat of staining anything.  An au' natural tactic would be to turn the temperature up to 82-85* and add anywhere from a tablespoon of salt (NOT rock salt! this is very much contaminated!) per gallon to a tablespoon per 5 gallons.  The exact volume will vary as the grain size does, so if possible, weigh out about 8 grams of salt per gallon.

    EDIT: 82* alone will do little more than speed up the parasite's life cycle.  To actually kill it, you'd have to reach into the 90's, at which point, there would be a significant amount of damage to the fish.  If Ich died at 82*, Discus tanks kept at 90* would never see Ich breakouts.

  4. Yes, MArdel coppersafe! I have it and I like it. It doesn't discolor your water like ick away.

  5. ich treatment won't stain just rocksalt.

  6. the only ich treatment that i know of is blue and it stains. sorry

  7. You can sometimes find copper-based treatments that do not stain the water or objects in the tank. You will have to look carefully and read the labels though. Methylene blue and malachite green are both dyes used to treat ich and will stain things.

  8. Increase water temp to about 82 degrees F for about a week.  This will kill the ich.  Then, depending on what kind of fish you have, leave the temp at 76-78 F.

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