
Id really like to learn to play the flute. Is it hard? tipps? pointers? Thank you!?

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Id really like to learn to play the flute. Is it hard? tipps? pointers? Thank you!?




  1. I played the flute in high school! It is pretty frustrating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it comes easily. I don't really have any tips or pointers, just listen to everything the instructor says and don't give up. Oh, and you're welcome!

  2. At first its like, "how do you get a note out??" But you will eventually get a sound out by just rolling the mouthpiece in and out and changing your embouchure. Once you learn note fingerings. You should work on scales so when it comes to playing music pieces, you play it right. If you are really serious about playing it, take lessons. They give you instruction that is more clear and helpful than sitting in a band room with all other instruments. Lessons are for your instrument, and for you. Also has online lessons and pointers that may help. There are limited lessons that are free unless you sign up, but some is better than none =]

    If you dont own a flute, and dont want to buy one at a shop, I recommend eBay to buy a used one. The best two brands to look out for (that are affordable) in my opinion are Yamaha,  and Gemeinhardt. Other good brands are Emerson, Selmer/ Bundy, Armstrong, Pearl.

    Hint: if the flute is really cheap buy it now.. .or is a color like purple... dont buy it lol. They have A LOT of off brand flutes... like Venus, Cecilio,  Lazarro, Weimar, Grand, DC Pro, and so on. I mean those brands might give you an okay flute but Im unaware of the brands... so I don't necessarily recommend them.

    The main things to play is

    1) get lesssons, to help with learning the instrument, reading music, and techniques such as vibrato

    2) get a good quality instrument

    3) practice


    Good luck!! You will absolute love it

  3. Hi Josh,  I just found your question and wanted to see if I could help you make a decision about trying to learn the flute.   If you really have a desire to play,  it does not and should not matter if it is hard...  I mean from your perspective.. because it is something you really want to do.   But from my perspective,  let me put your mind at ease...  It is not an instrument that is hard to learn.  Now OBOE???  That's hard!!!  LOL.   Seriously,  I am not going to tell you that it is a breeze,  because nothing that is worth while is,   but it is not """Want to kill myself because I took on this task"""  either.   I could give you lots of little tips and pointers that would not mean anything to you now if you do not have your instrument and started trying to play,  so I will just give you the straight, up front advice I would give you if we were speaking in person.   The  very first thing you need to do is commit to choosing the flute in that you are going to do your best to learn to play it.   Then you must get an instrument  and take the first steps.   You do not mention your age,  so I have to wonder whether you are a beginner going into middle school,  or whether you are a musician and want to learn another instrument or if you are an adult and wanting to add music to your life so I am going to advise that you think seriously about getting a teacher to help you with things that people here cannot.   We cannot really tell you how to blow... or what the fingerings are,  or how to breathe for the best tone.   So you need a one on one to keep you from some really bad habits.   I have one student who just started in February.   He is awesome and is playing way above his age level already..  (12)  He is going into 6th grade in the fall and is going to probably jump past the 6th grade band.  He just loves playing flute.   I am giving him the right direction and putting him on the path to playing correctly.  He did not have any trouble learning and I think it is because he wanted to so badly.   If you do.   I have faith in your desire and respect for your choice (Flute).   Most flute players think flute is the best instrument in the band!!!   I think so too.  Best of luck... and Seize the Day.   Brand of flute you will love:  Yamaha.

  4. It starts out hard, but then gets way easier. You want to make sure that your lips are tight and on high notes, you blow quick air. On low notes you blow slow air. There are some notes that are the same except you blow slow or fast air. But playing flute is really fun!

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