
Idaho has experienced record cold and snow conditions. Where's the global warming?

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Ski resorts are now going to be open in May.




  1. The warming is in the polar regions, which causes the large oceans to lower in temperture (with all the ice melting into them) creating colder tempertures in non-polar areas.

    That won't last long however.

  2. Yeah it's just a climate shift. But everyone's freaking out about global warming because they think our emissions have something to do with it. China had it's coldest winter in awhile, so, obviously it's just shifting climate.

  3. Duh, you said "record" cold and snow conditions.  Hmmm....why do you think the CLIMATE is CHANGING????

    Vannah, I'd like to buy this person a vowel.  They need a clue . . .

  4. It's the closest thing to a religion I know about.

    leader=Al Gore

    a problem with dire consequences if not acted upon

    very expensive

    long term affects

    opposing beliefs= Devil

    high emotional reactions

    joining together for a cause

    self-righteous indignation

  5. Not all scientists agree that global warming is occuring, and infact they believe we are experiencing the tail end of an ice age that should last 200-300 more years...this contributes to erractic weather patterns..

    I was around in the 70s when we had some really bad blizzards (74-78) and the talk then was that we would be experiencing winter most of the year 'round.

    I think we're pretty new scientifically at long-term weather conditions...we need to gather more data, not use a lot of alarmist tactics to promote our social agendas...

  6. It's climate change, you caveman.

  7. just look around all the things that happen this year.....there is no global warming..thats only the weenie democrates that want you to believe it..

  8. And you don't think record weather conditions are a warning that something is wrong?

  9. gobal warming is a myth just like wrestling and micheal jackson being straight

  10. Apparently in the last few years sunspot activity has dropped to a 30 year low and if it continues we will likely see some of the coldest average world temperatures in the last 200 years.

    Global warming is a bit longer term than sunspot cycles which are normally 5-30 years.

  11. You obviously don't know the first thing about global warming.  A key element is weather extremes.

  12. Would a global warming trend of 0.1 degree per dcade overpower the natural year-to-year variation in local weather, such as the unusually cold La Nina influence currently affecting North America?

    No.  Weather still happens, even cold winters.

    Don't confuse weather with climate.

  13. Global warming ended in 1998.  Some just can't let go.

  14. Oh I love it.  They're now calling it 'climate change' just to get around the fact they were wrong about global warming.

    Here too it's been record cold and we're getting snow on Friday.  APRIL 25TH.  SNOW.

    My husband and I joke when it's cold like this, "It's snowing honey.  Global warming!"  And we'll laugh, and mutter something about idiots.

    Like I've said before.

    If it's hot:  Global Warming

    If it's cold:  Global Warming

    If it rains too much:  Global Warming

    If it doesn't rain enough:  Global Warming

    I think that most people, if they don't understand something, they'll throw Global Warming at it.

    "Gee, son, that algebra problem is just too hard for me.  Must be global warming."  A joke, obviously.

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