
Idea's for Warm holiday in New Year (like europe)?

by Guest58674  |  earlier

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Does anyone know were mates and I can spend new year 2009 in warm country in europe? Has anyone done anything like this before? has to be warm Tenerife, but has to be lively! Thanks




  1. Come 2 Malta! though it won't be that that warm! roughly it should be about 16 degrees or so! Usually it is still a sunny day!! Great Nightlife and not so expensive :)

  2. Somewhere like the Canaries would be your best bet but they won't be that warm at that time of the year.

  3. For a warm New Year Holiday you better go for a destination in the southern part of the world like Brazilia, South Africa, or Australia. You won't find it in Europe, not even on the Canary Islands.

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