
Idea's to decorate a child's play room?

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Hi... My children (1 & 3 yr old) have a play room wher all there toys are... my eldest son is starting playgroup now.. he's at the age of learning stuff... i want to decorate this room into a fun room where he can also learn... any ideas? or websites u can tell me abt? i'm a novice! i kno to paint abc and stuff but any fun ways decorating the room? what else... ANYTHING PLEASE!




  1. In order to spark your child's imagination, use open ended type decorations  ... first, Decorate at your child's eye level. use blackboard paint to paint a fun shaped blackboard (that really erases on the wall.) provide your child with colored chalk and an eraser..... Hang Magnet boards and  provide a variety of different shaped magnets for your child to invent with and spell with.  Hang a magna doodle for your child to draw on. Lots of mirrors, funhouse mirrors are sold in Ikea, the ones that distort your body and face. Hang shoe pocket holders for your child to store art supplies , puppets and small toys in.  a drop down table can also be bought in ikea. It can be pushed up against the wall when not in use... Colorful rugs, beanbag chairs... lots of books....Have fun...

  2. What they said..........

  3. i have two little sisters, one little brother and a nephew so i have plenty of ideas. Kids like to draw and color so if you put some kind of paper on the wall or if you have wooden floors put some on the floor give them WASHABLE finger paint show them how to make the letters and # and make little saying type thing that help them remember (ex for a up down across) for now just work on capital letters but if you let them help you decorate then it gets them excited about learning so if they help you decorate sin the ABCs with them while painting them so they learn the skills of identifying. paint shapes also and make it very colorful and if you start your 1 year old on helping and let him hand you things and if he is talking or blabbering then start him on his ABCs now also ask your kids for ideas i know it sounds kinda strange but if it is going to be there room then they need a say in it if you have both boys paint trucks and tools. If you buy one of those learning books that also helps. well i hope that helps oh and you can make most of those things pretty in-expensive i hope that helps

  4. This is the problem that I had....looked thru many catalogues and the one that appealed most was IKEA.  They have superb ideas and their space saving solutions are the best! Check that out.

  5. if you have lowes or home depot, go to their wall paper area, there are many books you browse and these will give you lots of ideas.  you can even borrow a book/books but you have to pay deposit when you return the book they will refund your deposit.  Have fun and in doing try and create a memory for your children and your self, sometimes it is not how it looks but how you felt making it.  Children when doing art, they just do it because they dont care about how it looks, they simply enjoy the process and as result they have an art that may look ugly to us but for them it is a treasure and will not want you to throw it away as the process when they made the art was fun.

  6. * Everything should be readily accessible to the children.

    * ABC's on the wall, along with numbers and colors (this way, you can review them often and the children can see them easily.

    * desk or tables & chairs for the kids to be able to sit and write whenever they want

    * have paper, crayons, scissors (child's) readily accessible for the kids...also toddler books with easy words should be attainable for them

    * blocks (colorful & ABC wooden blocks)

    * puzzles

    * have pieces of cloth with different textures available

    * a bulletin board to hang children's artwork, words, etc.

    * white board accessible for kids so that they can write whenever they want ... and on the wall

    * chalkboard on the wall with chalk so that the kids can write on it

    * clay available for them to make things

    * paint and an easel for them to create

    * dolls

    * puppets & a theater for them to act and play with words

    * instruments that they can play

    This isn't so much decoration but the room should have different sights, sounds, smells, etc to stimulate the children and everything should be readily accessible so that they can interact with it.  What good does it do to have all these things but not be able to use them?


    Here are some links to some websites with ideas for children's rooms.  However, the best advice is to do what works best for you.  Make sure you have lots of areas for learning -- magnetic letters, easel, etc.  If your child attends preschool, you might use the classroom as a model.  Again whatever works for you and your children is the best solution.

    I hope this helps.

  8. If you aren't handy, I'd catalog shop and copy an idea that won't break your budget.  Look for ideas at,, (this is my favorite).  I'd think fun, educational and storage, storage, storage!!!!  Yours are young still and the toys will become crazy!  Good luck.

  9. A blue sea filled with sea creatures, fun and educational!

  10. sorry, no ideas from me but thx for the 2 points!

  11. You could paint animals and what letters they start with and numbers. i think they'de like that my cousin liked it and now he knows his shapes and colors and is learning his letters!

  12. The decor can be whatever his interests are but make sure to have low hooks for him to hang up his own coat, sweater, cap, etc.  NO TOY BOX, they prohibit free choice of activities.  Use low shelves with each activity, toy etc in it's own basket.  This allows for easy clean up as well.

  13. Trucks! Dump trucks, cranes, scooper trucks, rolley trucks, concrete trucks... al sorts of work trucks (can you tell the only trucks i know of are from Bob the builder) ;)

  14. If there is a closet in the room you can use blackboard paint on the closet door, or even just on a designated spot on the wall Kids love to draw on the walls and this gives them permission. I also go to the teacher supply store and get the bulletin board kits that teachers use. They are colorful, durable and fairly cheap.

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