
Idea behind hashtag bikinibridge or bikini bridge

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Idea behind hashtag bikinibridge or bikini bridge.

Maybe you've never heard of 4chan, but this virtual community has impacted your life through their viral jokes . Although some consider only the horny hackers , among other actions, briefly revived the career of Rick Astley , many operations orchestrated 4chan have enough of social protest and struggle against the system : not in vain, here Activist community Anonymous was born in 2008. The latest example of their actions has been around the world. This is the hashtag # bikinibridge or " bikini bridge " , which refers to when a woman is so thin that , between the bones of the hip, bikini brief forms a bridge over the concave belly.

The Sunday before Reyes, a user of a forum 4chan proposed the idea of inventing and viralizar the trend, first creating the hashtag, trending topic in turn , spread through social networks (including creating accounts fakes of celebrities in social networks praising the bikini bridge) and immediately invent replication, ie false answers indignant with a trend that does not even exist . And they got their way, many media sources were dangerous fashion , until the source is found and # bikinibridge is over, right?

 Tags: Bikini, bikinibridge, Bridge, hashtag, idea


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