
Ideal Body Weight???

by  |  earlier

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I just want a number. I am 21 and 5'6". Large framed. With a natural large chest (DD). How much should I weigh? I am not looking to be "skinny". I want a normal HEALTHY average size for my body frame and height. I am looking for a realistic weight goal.




  1. try  this ideal weight calculator, based on age, gender and height. It

    gives  you the per cent of people heavier than you, too. And shows you

    how you compare to others:

  2. i mean you should weight about...around 150 to 190..or u could weight more or less because my cousin went to the docter and she said most of the weight was her chest

  3. hey go to that site and itl tell u all


  4. that first answer is terribly wrong..

  5. i would say between 140-155,depending on your frame size.

  6. At a height of 5' 6" and with a large frame, you should weigh between 140 lbs. and 159 lbs. Anything in this range is a healthy realistic weight goal. I would say that the higher weight would be for someone that has a lot of muscle, because of exercise, since muscle weighs more than fat. If you don't exercise a lot, then I would aim for the lower end of the weight range.

  7. if you want to be healthy u should be 130.. but i say be 110 you'll be 15% underweight
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