
Ideal Weight For A Dancer? Please help!?

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I've been dancing since I was three, and now, at 12 (13 in October), I want to pursue a professional career in ballet. It's a little late, I know, but I'm prepared to work very hard. The only problem is that, at 168 cm, ppl thnk i'm too tall, but actually, i've been the same height for 3 years (i've matured rather quickly), nd i weigh 54 kilos, which i think is pretty heavy for a dancer. I dont want t b anorexic or anythng, i jst want to knw an ideal weight for my height.





  1. Dancers actually weigh more than the average person because of our muscles. And Muscles weigh more than fat!!

    I would say you are just fine.  

  2. i feel the same way i have been dancing since i was two and i am 13 now. my roommate at my dance intensive did not have the perfect body but yet she was an amazing dancer. o that should prove to you weight doesn't mean much. i am really short and i can dance so. i don't think weight should anyone i am 93 pounds and short. i have really muscular thighs  and calfs. so i like to think i am all muscle. you should think that way to. ohhh and your not late.

    best of luck

  3. because you are tall your weight should even out all over your body so i would say your the right wieght

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