
Ideal tank set up for glowlight tetras?

by Guest31943  |  earlier

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I am setting up a 29 gallon tank for glowlight tetras and I want to make it look as natural as possible. I have alot of lava rock that I want to use and i'm going to get some live plants. What would be the ideal tank set up for glowlight tetras?




  1. I have my tank setup with all black rocks, a black background, artificial plants and i use a tropic-sun light. the glow really bright against the black background.  

  2. Glowlight tetras require the same care of neon tetras though they are a bit hardier. They are will look better with the proper lighting and security of a planted tank. Get only low to medium light plants because they are quite shy and would look dull in a too brightly lit tank. Keep the temperature within the higher 70's. They would also require soft, slightly acidic water, pH of 6.5-7. The lava rocks are fine because they are chemically inert, meaning they do not affect the water chemistry, so tie a few anubias or java fern to them. Feed them a great diet of micropellets(staple), good quality tropical flakes(staple), spirulina flakes(every other day) and meaty foods such as tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp(weekly). I have taken care of these before and successfully kept them with neons so I assumed they require the same care. Goodluck and happy fishkeeping!

  3. Go for tall plants at the back such as vallis, dark substrate, maybe smaller plants at the front such as dwarf sagittaria, with open swimming space in the middle.

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