
Ideal travel route?

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i want to go travelling what is you opinion on this route and how much money would you take? starting at at amsterdam, going to bremen, hameln, munich, venice, pisa, rome, naples, bari, athens, istanbul, turkey, beirut, israel, egypt, ghana, congo, angola, s. africa, mozambique, dijibuti, yemen, omen, pakistan, india, banladesh, burma, thailand, vietnam, china, kazakhstan, ukraine, minsk, tallinn, helsinki then upto kittila and finish in yllas, lapland. time is no problem, its aprrox 24'346 miles. any opinions from people that have visited these countries or done something similar, let me know, would love to hear about your travels:




  1. If this is all overland you'll be heading through some fairly rough areas.

    You cannot get from Bangladesh to Burma overland at all.

    I wouldn't carry too much cash on your person at any one time in cash you get mugged. Travelling overland I averaged about 1000euro per month. I'm not sure how much I would say you need altogether, it depends how fast you are moving.

    Only visited Almaty in Kazahkstan, it was nice but nothing unique. Bangladesh is fantastic. Naples is one of my  favourite cities. Tallinn is beautiful but full of tourist in summer. The people in Vietnam are really friendly. China is a must see.

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