
Ideal weight for me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5"6, female and 16

i want to know what my ideal weight should be.





  1. definitely not seven stone.. im 5ft 7 and i think my ideal weight is 135lbs. so urs is probably just under that! but it also depends on body shape, whatever way you feel good! :)

  2. The best indicator of appropriate or inappropriate weight is BMI. Here’s a great site for calculating BMI, suggesting your goal weight, and what people think is ideal weight…

    These are the general guidelines:

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    And overweight is not the same as fat. The BMI will tell you if you’re overweight. An honest look in the mirror will tell you if you’re fat.

  3. 138 lbs

  4. try  this ideal weight calculator, based on age, gender and height. It

    gives  you the per cent of people heavier than you, too. And shows you

    how you compare to others:

  5. 125 pounds

  6. i wouldnt worry about it but probably 7-8 stone

    and it can depend on your build you may only be 5 ft 6 but you could have a big build for a girl

    dnt worry youre only 16

  7. Well It Depends On How Tall You You Are And If You Have Big Bones And What You Eat Like If You Are A Vegetarian It All Depends On Different Things

    Around About 8 Stone

    But Not To Worry!:D

  8. 7 stone?

  9. i wouls say 7 - 7 and a half stone for your height is good  

  10. anywhere from 100-140

  11. Okay definitely not 7-8 stone!

    About 8 1/2-10 1/2 stone.

  12. 120 lbs because you're a teenager once you get older your ideal weight will be 130 lbs

  13. 115-155 is the range of normal weight for a girl your height.but you are only young, i wouldnt start obsessing about it too much.
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