
Ideally, how do you see the U.S. in four years, keeping in mind both domestic and foreign policy?

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Ideally, how do you see the U.S. in four years, keeping in mind both domestic and foreign policy?




  1. Decode this lyrics " A whole new world"

    Making it through the turbulence?

    Making it to the home-run?

    Will come out stronger in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. If Obama wins it will look like Jimmy Carter in the 70s

  3. hugging terrorists at the picnic and playing croquet with the hard line communists at the tea party while little drops of joy fall from a candy covered rainbow on a clear blue sky!!!....but....kicking the c**p out of anti-americans foreign and domestic will do also.

  4. I see our country totally changing our attitude toward dealing

    with other countries from confrontation to introspection and

    problem solving. War as we know it is not condusive to world

    peace and harmony.

  5. From the looks of it........

    All foreign policy and non-existent domestic policy.

  6. That depends on who is in office.

    If one certain person wins. This country in 4 yrs will look nothing like it does now. It will be a complete mess and probably ruled by muslims

  7. Frankly, I see it going to h**l in a Handbasket. The whole country is going downhill FAST and I don't see it getting any better.

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