
Ideas & Feedback on business name? Please Help !!!?

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I'm looking to buy and sell goods. And create a business doing the sort of trading buyin & sellin idea. I'm struggling with a name so far I have the following...

British Retail Group

The British Retail Company

The Skyland Group

UK Retail Outlet

Oakwood Retailers

Direct Outlet

Inland Traders

Please reply with what these names get you thinking about, how they make you feel, what goods/service you get the impression they provide, would you buy goods from that name etc etc.

Be as postive or as negative as you wish all comments are welcome.

And please give any ideas or alterations to a name. Or one you think is better.

I need suggestions!!!!

Thanks in advance




  1. oakwood retailers sounds the best maby put what you would mostly be selling in the name like oakwood construction outlet  or something like that

  2. No idea what you're selling.

    No idea what you're selling.

    No idea what you're selling.

    You are selling something in the UK.

    You are selling products made from Oak.

    Whatever you sell, you sell direct.

    You will only sell to those without a coastline near them.

    Is this of any help?

  3. Personally my favourite would be the Skyland Group or Oakwood Retailers. but i suppose it depends on what you were selling? these names to me sound classier and more individual and would be more memorable.

    British Retail Group/ British Retail company- could be anything, sounds a bit too like british rail to me. sounds less like a company more like a trading standards bureau.

    i dont like the ones with the word outlet in them- not for Britain. sounds cheap to me! in a sort of cheap and badly made way.

    inland traders- dont like the word inland- makes me think of taxes!

    however saying that i dont think the traders part is bad- Skyland Traders or Oakwood Traders would also have a nice ring to them. hope that helps!

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