
Ideas On How To Celebrate My 17th Birthday?

by  |  earlier

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Im turning 17 on August 12th, im a girl, & looking to invite around 12people to whatever i decide to do...




  1. Maybe a pool party

  2. Celebrate it with the poor children by feeding them and palying with them.

  3. omg i'm a girl and i turn 17 on august 12th too!!!

  4. if local , set it at the east coast park....

    at the barbecue pit , so that u can gather / go cycling / and even play a huge range of catching.

    if u want a boring way of celebration , chalet.....

    wad can u do in chalet... swimming / playing around within the chalet...

    if u want havoc ..... the best is in KTV or Disco or even pub

    u will know the feel in there....its fun.

    try it

  5. You want nothing babyish or chav'y so how about you go to a night club and after that go to the beach and camp out!!!!!.

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