For as long as I can remember I have had problems with nausea (particularly in the mornings). The nausea is bad enough I usually can't bring myself to eat but not bad enough that I throw up. It was mainly in the mornings, and then a couple years ago, for about a year, I would feel fine going to sleep, but then would wake up feeling nauseous around 2am and have to run to the bathroom to throw up and would be up the rest of the morning. Now lately I seem to get nauseated around the time I go to sleep and I cannot fall asleep while I an nauseous.
I am relatively sure I don't have a stomach acidity problem. I have tried tums sometimes and conversely sipping on vinegar other days (the vinegar seemed to have maybe helped a tiny bit a few times, but not entirely).
I THINK it is a blood sugar issue. My mom tells me I have had chroniclly low blood sugar all my life (based on observations of my childhood eating habits and physical symptoms a few hours after eating, nausea, headaches, irritability, anxiety, shakiness, needing to eat too frequently, & quick sugary foods have always made me feel faintly sick). (and I'm not sure what it means but I checked my blood sugar a few times right AFTER eating a small meal and it was around 90)
Anyway, if I can make myself eat something, most of the time that seems to solve the problem enough I can sleep. The problem is that I have a very hard time making myself eat most things because they are too flavorful or smell too strongly. I have no real problem eating crackers, but they aren't enough to make me feel better. Pudding doesn't settle right most of the time (I also have very mild lactose intollerance problems, since infancy). Jello tastes weird to me, but I can eat it, it doesn't make me feel better though.
So far only two things I have had that seems to settle right and make me feel better. The first is plain chicken. But I don't always have this option (either I don't have chicken, or I can't take the time and whatever to thaw some out and cook it). I was thinking maybe it is because unseasoned chicken is sort of bland and is a good source of protein. [also tried sipping on slimfast, which seemed to help my main problem but isn't a good option for me because of the milk base]
The other is a gala apple, but I currently don't have any, and when I do it doesn't make me feel better for too long (I think maybe it isn't substantial enough??) I have no idea why I can eat them.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else might be easy to eat?
I know it seems ridiculous but I have always had this problem, it just used to be the worst in the day, and I could just suffer through it. Now it is worst at night, and I cannot sleep when I feel sick. When I look at flavorful or strongly smelling foods it makes me feel like throwing up.
Any ideas would be appreciated. (I hope this made sense, I am really tired.. again, can't sleep due to nausea)
By the way, I DO plan to see a doctor, I just need suggestions in the mean time.