
Ideas and concepts. What is your opinion?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to someone the other day and I mentioned trying live by a simple rule.

The rule: Do unto others as you have them do unto you.

She said to modify the rule simply changing it a little.

New rule: Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.

So here is my question to everyone.

How would you have me or others do unto you? Simply, how do you want me and others to treat you?

Please answer the question. I know people read and do not reply all the time. I would like the input though.




  1. ...simple, mind you own business and we both will be happier...

  2. By treating children, senior citizens and animals kindly.

    One of the hardest sights for me to endure is the strong abusing the weak.  

  3. as i would do unto them.

  4. First, cause no harm.

  5. well it leads to the same thing...

    christ's idea and ur friend's logic means the same thing put in a different way.

    one expects others to behave in a way he thinks would be good for both the parties.

    but it's impossible to know what others want most of the u cant always know what they want or what or how they expect you to all depends on the mood swing of that person at that particular time..

    the best and simple way is to do unto others what u want them to do for you...cant get any simpler than this, and dont expect them to behave in such a manner when u meet them the next time..cos people dont think alike!

  6. I like neither option. I'd much prefer that others do unto me as they would unto themselves.

    The first option, "Do unto others as you have them do unto you" would be nearly impossible to live by, as you are asking that both yourself and others be psychic. I don't know two people who like the same things at all times. There are personal preferences, and while you might like strangers to talk to you out of the blue, I do not. That would make your treatment of me offensive.

    The second option "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them" asks for the same intimate knowledge of all. Impossible.Also, both ask that you change your treatment of people according to the individual. That leaves room for a lot of errors, and also for compromising your own values, etc, according to the person being interacted with.

    However, if you treat others as you would yourself, then you are using the finest ethical judgment you possess, and though it may fail, it is a simple rule to follow. It does not necessitate knowing something you have no way of knowing, nor changing your treatment of people radically  for each person you meet. You are true to yourself and your values, ethics and morals by treating all as you would yourself.

  7. Isn't the rule actually, "Do unto others what you wish to be done unto you" or, more simply, "Treat others the way you want to be treated"?

    That being said, I want others to treat me with the basic concepts of acceptable behavior. Don't use violence on me, don't call me names. Simple enough, right?

    However, you get into a lot more complicated answers than this. Well, I'll add, you can call me names in a joking fashion, and you can hit me in a joking fashion. But don't take it too far. What is 'too far' then? How should I know when to stop? Obviously we know the extremes, but where is that definitive line when I say, "You've gone too far."

    It's blurry. I can take offense to 'r****d' but not flinch at harsher words. I can accept a punch in the shoulder but become angry if you kick me. Since we can't read other people's minds, we don't really know when to stop. And so...Whoops, getting off topic.

    And I'll repeat what I said at the beginning: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't like being abused, verbally or physically? Don't do it to other people.

    I believe that if more people had this mentality then the world might be just a tiny bit happier.

  8. Treat others with respect and dignity. Never look down onto anyone. Place yourself in their shoes so as to not pass judgment. Be loving and allow yourself to be loved.

    Do not be offended by an other person's negativity. Turn the other cheek so that the bad energy is not absorbed by you. Give yourself positive feedback throughout the day and before you put your head down on the pillow.

  9. you  cant know  how  others  would  want  you  to  do unto them  but  you  know within yourself  what  is  a  kindness and  what  is  ill will.

    do  only  good  for  others  is  the  lesson  in the  "Golden Rule"

    if  you  cant  see  what  will  help  someone  then  simply  ask  them what  you  can  do for  them.

    is  it  really  so  difficult?

  10. I like the original rule. I do, for the most part, follow that rule without even realizing it. I love to understand people. I wish people would try to understand me better- just because I'm shy doesn't mean I don't exist and I don't want to be noticed. I think I have an anxiety disorder so it makes life harder for me. I think understanding- knowing what it feels like to be in their place-is the key to treating someone right.

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