
Ideas for a 14 year old birthday party?

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I'm having a birthday party this weekend for my 14th birthday. It's going to be at my house with around 8 girls. It will be from 5-9:30 and I know we are going to eat pizza and probably watch a movie. I don't have a pool and I'm limited to just my house. I can buy a few things, as long as they are not expensive (meaning over $15...). I need some ideas so that we won't get bored. Thanks in advance!




  1. Get a couple of water balloons if it is warm where you are living. You can pass a lot of time with those and they are easy too. Cost about $2-$4 a bag of 200 balloons at Party City.

    Play Pin-the-____-on-the-____

    *Tail on donkey

    *Nose on Britney

    *Candle on Cake

    Whatev, sounds like a childish game, but is fun!

    Get some prizes at the dollar store and have a name drawing!

  2. watch some movies. Do some singing (as loud as you can lol) Dance off. (silliest dance, wierdest dance, craziest dance) have a spa party. What ever kind of facial wash stuff you have, use it. Paint fingernails and toenails. Have each other do make up.

  3. Set up an ice cream bar.  Get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream and some toppings. Sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and cherries and have everyone make their own sundaes. You can get the waffle cone bowls at the grocery store.

    You can play some games, and make it and fun and games night after the movie.  Twister, charades, trivia, etc.  Ask your guests to bring their favorite board games.

    If you are going to do some things outside, have relay races like potato sack races, three legged races, etc.

    Like the other posters mentioned, get a pinata!  Everyone likes candy and you can find one you like along with a bag of pinata filler, and some of your own favorites.

    You can ask your friends to bring some props like boas, hats, sunglasses, etc and set up a white sheet as a backdrop and have some fun posing with each other and the props and take pictures.  You'll have fun with each other and the props and the pictures you'll take and get from them will be great!  You can even go to the crafts store and get those frames that have to be decorated and get one for each girl and you can all decorate them and then each girl can take them home and have a place to put their favorite picture from the party.

    I hope some of these ideas help and that you have a great party and  very Happy Birthday!

  4. okay maybe you should ask your daughter what she wants to do for her party unless it is a surprise. than you should do a make up party. you can go to the store and buy little make up items for like 2-5 dollars each and the girls can do each others make up. you can also have categories such as wackiest hair, craziest makeup, ect.

  5. buy twister!

  6. I agree with the other person suggesting a makeover party.  That would keep your friends entertained.

    You could also have a dance party. You don't need much for it, just some good music and some snacks. Make some mix CDs with your favorite songs and dance.

    Another suggestion is a theme party, you and your friends could dress up in costumes, and have appropriate decorations and music. Say, for an 80s party, play new wave music, have colorful decorations and dress up in bright clothing and crazy makeup.

    As far as being strapped for cash, hit your local 99cent store, or dollar store. You could get a lot for $15. They have everything from blow up palm trees, to napkins and candy.

    And if you decide to do the makeover party, you could buy makeup there too. They even have little pedicure sets.

    Good luck and happy birthday!

  7. you could cook things and then later eat what you make, trust me it tastes a lot better if you actually make it!

  8. you could have a luau theme party

    there is a bunch of stuff at oriantal trading but that isnt how you spell it look it up at google... im doing it in the evening were i can turn on lights and stuff and we going to have spot lights on the pool. im going to have smokeys and hamburgers and meatballs and little things to snack on.

    i will have drinks like pina coladas, margaritas, strawberry daqeriues, and orange puch, not to mention soda and all them will be virgin(non alcholic). i will have eprsonilized margarita glasses, glow in the dark necklaces, and glow in the dark martini glasses.and glow in the dark straws but im getting all the stuff from oriental trading that is the best place ohh yeah and im buying leis too but you should go there

    not to mention good for both genders

  9. karoke, twister,  spend sometime taking pics, ballon volleyball,

    be creative, u'll find stuff to do.

  10. make overs, twister, and you could bake stuff too!

    for my 16th party (so long ago haha) we did pedicures and went to see 13 going on 30. then we came to my house and each made our individual pizzas. it really was so fun!

    you could have tacos too, but pizzas are funner, and they're less expensive than ordering!

  11. makeover parties are usually fun

  12. then at the party don't do silly games like pin the tail on the donkey or stuff. do cool things like, spin the bottle, trampolines are just plain fun, hangout rooms, etc. you can do games but make them fun games like murderer in the night, plastation games, like shout out for music, and team games that involv every one. if you can make the party go till like midnight and go out side and go snype hunting. ( snype hunting is when you have to groups and both groups have a pillow case. then your group tells the other group to wait in a certain spot away from the house, sort of in the woods or nowhere, and then tell the other group that your group will scare the smypes in to their pillow cases to they should just stay there and wait with their pillow cases open. then your group will supposedly go off to scare the snypes into their cases but really you go back into the house and party.) during the party you will need many drinks and a lot of cups and plates and things. teenagers eat and drink a heck of a lot of food. karyodee is a must. that is really fun and gets every body in the mood for fun. danceing is a must have at every party and good music all night long. most of all include every one and make sure that they all have fun.  good luck

  13. only girls?.. i don't know

  14. Pamper parties, party games may sound a drag but one you start its so much fun

    hope it helps x

  15. Well you are not working with a lot of money... so you could go to the dollar store and pick up some water ballons.. and have a water ballon fight since you dont have a pool... Thats always fun! =)

    Truth or dare is the best game if you wanna have a good time.

    Prank calls are the best! But block your number!

    Maybe later you could have a campfire? Or Play flash light tag.

    Um.. lets see...  you could play a card game or borad game.

    You could put some music on and have a dance off with your girl friends... Just make up stupid dance moves something you wouldnt do at a school dance or something. lol Thats always fun!

    You could put everyones names in a hat and each person draw a name out and act out who it is and let everyone else guess.

    Im running out of ideas.. but hope this helps!

  16. A pinata to hit, check

  17. a penyata is reeli good fun :)


  18. Video games !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  19. Play with barbies hahahaha

  20. What about a scavenger hunt?  You could have a nature scavenger hunt, where the teams try to find things such as an acorn, a flat rock, a pinecone, a red flower, etc.  My friend did this for her daughter's birthday party and they loved it!  Just make sure you either do it during the daylight or you have flashlights for them to use.  Oooo, my friend also had a woman who sold Mary Kay come give them advice about caring for their faces and they tried different cleansing products.  They loved that!  You may try to see if you could get someone like that to come....

    Can you have a fire in your backyard?  You could also roast weiners or marshmallows and make s'mores.  

    They also played Twister.

    Oh, BTW, they had a pinata, but it didn't last very long, just a couple of minutes.  Since you are not spending much money, it is too much $ for the time, in my opinion.  

    They could play charades.

  21. The best games are free: blindfold makeup, someone blindfolded puts makeup on a friend.

    Charades: Think of name of film/song/book and without speaking try to act it out.

    Put names of celebrities on foreheads (using post it notes), don't tell the person wearing post it note who they are.  They ask 10 questions and can only be told yes or no by the audience.  Then they guess who they are supposed to be.

    Teenage Pass the Parcel: where they have to eat it, wear it or keep it.  Wrap up items, Ive used nick nacks, scarves, thermal underwear, old and very big bras etc.  And play music, when music stops person holding item must take off one layer and if they reveal the item they have to eat it, wear it or keep it.  Get your camera on the ready!!

    Guess the lyrics:  play a song on CD, pause it at a certain point and ask what the next 3/4/5 words are.  If they get it wrong they must do a forfeit.

    And finally my favourite:  The crisp eating competition.  Get 3 or 4 people sit them on chairs.  (secretly tell all but 1 of them that this is a joke and when you take their blindfolds off they are to rattle the crisp bag and pretend they're eating the crisps).  So the victim is the last one to be blindfolded, when he/she is blindfolded take off the blindfolds of the other people.  Then say 1st person finished eating crisps is winner and then say go.  Watch the 'victim' scoff down the crisps it's very funny, be ready to record that!!

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! anyways, you could play truth or dare,

    or fear factor. me and my friends played that, we found the most disgustingest food we could find and we had to eat a scoop of everything under a minute. it's pretty fun!.

    or you could just give eachother the worst make overs ever, and take pictures.

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