
Ideas for a 2 Year Wedding Anniversery?

by Guest62183  |  earlier

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Me and my husband are going to be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversery and it happens to fall on my 21st birthday. We live in Las Vegas so there's plenty to do but I want it to be special, any ideas?




  1. It depends on the type of relationship you and your husband have.

    If you want something romantic you could go on a vacation to some where like Hawaii or Paris (that is thinking big)

    But if you want something smaller but sweet think of a simple thing like making his favorite food of dinner and dessert then go out to see something as simple as a movie or to a place near by that you haven't gone but want to.

    i hope this helped a little.

  2. Handcuffs and trashy lingerie.

    There isn't much else your husband wants...................

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