
Ideas for a Young Women's Guide?

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what's the most prominet issue to focus a young women's guide on? has to be dynamic enough to catch attention.




  1. The MOST important issue to focus on would be getting the message out to young girls to avoid all guide books, dogmas, gender "rules" and social expectations/sensibilities and instead be the captains of their own unique vision and rising.

  2. The number one thing they teach writers is to write what you know.  So what do you know?  You can't ask others what to write about.  Find a topic that you have something to say on and just write it.

  3. If you're a guy i don't think you should be writing a young women's guide.

  4. My first though is safety but what age group are you shooting for when you say "Young Women"?

  5. Body image and self esteem, personal safety, sexual health, gender identity, work/family balance, financial planning... you could try to look at one of those issues from an unusual angle if you want something original.

    It'll depend on the exact age group as well - a guide for 16 year olds would be very different to one for 25 years olds.

    Hope that helps!

  6. 13-15: Being yourself, not worrying about popularity, not obsessing over being pretty or being skinny.

    High school: Not letting yourself be a doormat in a relationship and not getting pressured into things. Better no relationship at all than a bad one.

    College: Staying safe at parties, watching your drink, learning self-defense, etc.

    All those things apply to EVERY age group, but are bigger issues for the age groups they're categorized under.

    And every sexually active young woman should be educated about birth control.

  7. It depends. What do you think young women need to know about?

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