
Ideas for a restaurant/ bar name....?

by  |  earlier

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I am leasing a restaurant and bar and right now its a Mexican restaurant. We are changing it to a cafe and bar with some of the Mexican items still on the menu. Basically a little bit of everything. We need some ideas on a name as we have racked our brains and still have nothing. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!




  1. I'm having the same problem, coming up with a name for my business. I have read some books, "How to start a Craft business" and in the book it tells you how to find a catchy name. It says, you need to let people know what it is you are selling. What you have come up with may be catchy to you, but will the general population understand what your business is? So it's a cafe and bar with a wide variety of food items. Sometimes a first name is great. Bart's cafe n Bar, or form a name with your first two names together. Bar Branch n Cafe, The Gold finger Cafe, The Lost Bar, The Tipping Cup, The Steak Platter. The Steak Platter was going to be the name of my cafe, but I decided not to go into the restaurant business. Diner's Delight n Drink, there are all kinds of names one can think of. Diner's Delight, The Tipping Mug n Cafe, The Tipping Mug n Platter, I like that one. It tells everything you are offering. A mug of beer and something to eat. And it has a ring to it, don't you think? The Tipping Mug n Platter. Gosh, if you could only help me with my business name.

  2. Buenos Dias would be nice. Also, iHola!, if you want. My advice, pick something more appropriate for mexicans - they might start critisizing you (trust me with that).

  3. taco Para mi corazon,






    the creamytaco

    the tuna boat

    extra meaty taco

    burritos and tacos

    large burrito thrusting into little hispanic taco

    ripping little asian taco drippng with sour cream

    burrito shack

    taco club

    plastic burrito

    buns of steel

    i mean think about it! everyone will be talking about your resturant. "Hey i'm going to burrito thrusting into little hispanic taco this weekend... wanna join me?"

    i think it sounds like a suitable family oriented place to dine.. personally.

    hope i helped you :)

  4. Cafe del Mexicano

  5. If you want something memorable and catchy, try for something that rhymes with cafe. Bella Day Cafe. Sort of makes you think of a beatiful day and that could bring about a positive attitude when it comes to the tips. :)

  6. Cafe Alma (alma means soul in Spanish)

    La Paloma (the dove)

  7. well its a shame you are shying away from mexican themed names because I thought of Odelay Cafe.....Hobknob Cafe, Courtesy Cafe, Forget Me Not Cafe, I would need to know more about what the place looked like and what else was on the menu etc, but I think those names are cute and memorable.

  8. Make it neutral, try an anagram made from you and your partner(s)' last name(s).

  9. El Ornitorrinco

    La Caca de la Vaca

    La Mesa de Cerveza

    Cerveza en Tu Cabeza

    Cabeza del Yac

  10. Use 2 first letters from your name and 2 first letters or partner's name or any two letters in each name and then say CAFE DE (the made up name here)

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