
Ideas for an 18'th party(surprise) for my bf??

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Here's the thing. My bf's birthday is in about a month maybe a little longer, and i want to throw him a surprise birthday party. He will be 18 and the last thing i want is it to be lame or a complte s***w up. i've never done this sort of thing and i want it to be as perfect as possible. I can easily get a DJ, but does anyone have any brillant ideas for this that would really help. I think its harder for me because i've never done anything near this for anyone over 12 years old. Please give me some ideas!!! He's a typical guy who is layed back and likes guns and cars and video games, you know almost anything from his gf that loves him so much. Thanks for the Help!!!




  1. Don't go to too much trouble... A year or so from now you'll be saying to yourself "what was i thinking?"  

  2. I'm planning a surprise 21 party for my b/f, except that my budget is really small. Consider where you rae having resaraunt? party room? Keep the decorations low key and serve food that teenagers are going to want to eat. I suppoe you could pick a theme, but 18 is enough of a theme i suppose. If you have a racetrack nearby, that would be a cool place to have it so he could look at cars or drive. get invites out now (at least pick a date) so people can plan around it. Nothing sucks more that a nice party with no one there because they were already booked.

  3. Where are you holding this party?  Is everyone attending at least 18?

    Here are some of my ideas:

         - Get a DJ (great job)

         - A video Game Tournament

         - Go to a Casino

         - Appetizer Buffet (pigs in a blanket, wings, meatballs, crackers and cheese)


    Make sure you get your invites out pretty soon... fall is a busy time of year!


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