
Ideas for an a level art project?

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Basically, I have to do an extended project in art next year, and decide what I want to focus on, but as it all has to be completely my own, in that I choose my direction and everything I do, all I know is that it has to be on art!

So does anyone have any ideas that I could inititally focus on, and then branch out from later, on what inspires me?




  1. Is this the 3000 word esssay topic or the extened pratical project?

    Ive just finished my A levels and we were given the 3000 word essay were we chose what to do and which direction to go in and i found that i had to realy chose a topic i found facinating to truely explore it and when you find this topic you will find your imagination and insperation gets away from you!

    My topic was 'Death in Art,' - a bit meloncoly i know but it allowed me to explore all areas of art and all time periods so my work expanded quite well but i know some people did theres on aspects such as grafiit are or sculptures by Henry moore but these only let you expand to a small degree so resticts your artistic field.

    One artist i seriously recomend you looking at it Beth Cavener Stitcher. She dose amazing sculptures which are very emotional and realistic portrayig animal and human crulty in both physical image and a phycological impresion . They realy do make the audience react and gives you great ground work to branch out from as it involves very powerfull images and emotions which may lead you to other aras of interest.

    I hope this helped hun x

    (i appologise for the spelling mistakes im dyslexic and the pc dont always pick the um there so bad....)

  2. Make a list of what you like most, something that you love to do, look at and write about. Choose what you know best about so you can run with it and extend it, build on it.

  3. what about a project about east meets west culture! research photos from the 1950's - 1970's and how culture has influenced us in todays society and look at photo's from 2000 onwards and see the changes in architect and design influenced from different cultures and society in Britain

  4. Like doing any arts and crafts?? Hobbys that has arts and crafts? Just a thought though!!! I am thinking of cross-stitch but i dont think you like it!! I always find that no-ones seems to be in to cross-stitch on here!!

  5. you could use road signs as your theme?

  6. find an artist you like.  And try to copy one of their famous pieces.  Your project could be on the fascinating topic of Art forgery.

  7. Do it based on relationships - it can cover alot of things.

  8. Make a collage of your favorite things or a certain ttopic

    Make a painting



  9. make a cake and decorate it really pretty!!

  10. This is not something someone else can choose for you.

    Start by identifying what media you prefer to work in.  Sculture, Painting, Charcoal, or even mixed media (like the collage mentioned below)

    Then think on other subjects which you like.  Music, bands, fashion, religion.  This will give you a theme.  Once you have your media and theme, the rest can happen quite quickly.

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