
Ideas for an activity so that preschool kids to learn?

by Guest64092  |  earlier

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I need an activy that will teach preschoolers something about anything, I am a high schooler and it is a project I must do for that class, what is some activity I could do in order to do a presentation to the kids to learn something?

Reading a book to them was suggested or even just making something out of paper.

any help?

somethin about arts and crafts would be apreciated.




  1. Go to the library

  2. I would pick a book and then plan an arts and crafts activity based on the book:


    we read "the snowy day" and then made snowmen out of shaving cream

    we read "the day it rained hearts" then we glued conversation candy hearts onto pictures.  We labeled the pictures and then glued the candy on.

    "polar bear, polar bear what do you hear" then we made polar bears by gluing cotton balls on a paper polar bear. or make polar bear sugar cookies

    Read "Max's Chocolate Chicken" for easter, then go on an easter egg hunt.  Hide vocabulary pictures in the eggs and some candy

    Read "Bear gets sick" by Karma Wilson and do a lesson about illness prevention: washing hands, covering your mouth those kinds of things

    Read "Rainbow Fish" pull out ocean animal vocabulary. Make cards of ocean, farm, and zoo animals.  Have the kids sort the pictures into the category they go into.  Then have blue paper plates (for the water), goldfish  crackers on the plate. Dip pretzel sticks in peanut butter and go fishing.

    watch out for that first poster, a preschool child is not ready to learn about the solar system! preschoolers are not old enough to read, let alone write in a notebook to compare and contrast plants. Make sure the activity is age appropriate: building vocabulary, categorizing, learning shapes and colors, following directions, learning prepositions

  3. How about brushing their teeth or washing their hands?  

    Teeth - you could invite a hygienist in to speak - for a project you could brush a print out tooth with a toothbrush and green paint scented with peppermint.  Plenty of tooth books out there.

    Washing hands - have a spray bottle with water and food coloring in it - show them how if you sneeze in your hand (then squeeze the bottle in your hand) how the germs get on your hands and then everything you touch becomes contaminated.  Then have them all wash their hands with soap and water as long as it takes to sing their ABC's. Check your local library for a book on washing hands or spreading germs. Most librarians will be happy to help you find a book if you tell them your subject.

    Good luck.

  4. Have them make puppets and have a puppet show

  5. you can take an oaktag and cut out puzzle pieces. Then, you can write on the poster a message like "we love to read", or

    "you get alphabet cookies"! Whatever, you probably get the point! Then, you can go and cut out to make puzzle pieces and hide them around the classroom or playground etc.! Then, you can tell them to go look for puzzle pieces! Then, you can tape it together! You can even ad more educational things, like say that there is a puzzle piece in something or byb something that starts with a 'd'. One girl gets to raise her hand and say "a desk" then everyone gets to go look for one in a desk. If it's not in a desk, they should come back and a nother kid should say oh, "it's by the door" and do that with each puzzle piece! Good luck and I hope it was a help!

  6. Hey I just graduated as a ece and I have loads of sites...I cant wait to get back to working with children!

    I would say as far as what to teach it depends on the age I am planing on opening a daycare for infants-toddlers and 3-4 year olds. I have loads of sites just contact me and I can give you some excellent sites!

    Best of luck


  7. I am a preschool teacher and my children love to do simple food related projects.  It teaches a lot of math and science concepts.

    Even something as siimple as making fresh squeezed OJ is great to them.

  8. try this link

    this link is too great

  9. anything age appriatate will do

  10. Teach them a special word. Vocabulary is great. Like self-sufficiency. Talk about what they can do for themselves. Zip their coat, get dressed, make their bed, put their dishes in the sink, throw their trash away, things that they don't need to be told to do. You could have them all bring their coats to circle and show them how to put their coats on or how to zip them.

    Talk abut being a pedestrian. Or what does Calcium do for your bones or water for your health. The little ones love to go home and tell their parents about a new word they learn at school and what it means.

    They could make a collage of healthy foods. Or draw a picture of people walking and stop signs etc. Or you could take an imaginary walk and make of reasons to stop and look both ways or ask the children what they are seeing or hearing on the walk.

    Play games or make up songs to go with these topics. Use your imagination.

  11. My favorite preschool site for awesome crafts is:

    Other cool sites:

    Hope this helps!  :)

  12. I'm a preschool teacher and one thing my kids loved was graphing and sorting the colored goldfish(small group, about 3 at a time). They learn to sort by color, then graph by color, then count and see which has the most, which has the least. Then they can take that home.

    You could also graph their favorite color goldfish as a group. Let them come up and glue it to a large chat at the front of the class.

  13. Arts and crafts is a good way, but it would really depend on what you're trying to teach them. It should be appropriate for the subject.

    Say you're teaching them how spiders make their webs. You could get some white yarn and black cardboard paper and show them how to make a spider's web out of yarn.

    Or if you're teaching them about the solar system. Having them draw a model of a solar system is good.

    You could teach them about different kinds of plants. You could have them pick flowers, dry them, make a collage, and list the differences between the types of plants in their notebooks.

  14. A good way is by song, arts and crafts, and pictures. These things stimulate their brain and help them learn in fun, creative ways.

  15. If you are brave enough to work with paint, you could teach them about colors.  Using Yellow, Red and Blue - the 3 colors that make up every other colour in the rainbow they could not only learn their colors but also see for themselves how to make other colors .  "what do you get when you mix Yellow and blue; let them tell you if possible.

    "very good, or,  almost, you get green!"  Keep it light and positive - a tone of encouragement.

    If you have time at the end they can creat their own rainbows from the 3 colors.  Do a little research before hand on primary colors and rainbows.

    Hope this helps.

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