
Ideas for campaign..........?

by  |  earlier

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Im nominated for the school deputy captain and im looking forward for ideas. 18th feb(toorrow) is da campagn date and its even my birthday. My campaign slogan is "THE GIRL WITH THE SMILE WILL GO THE EXTRA MILE". I need ideas for how to get votes. I made ribbon bracelets, badges, im giving out sweets and pensils, i need more ideas( not cakes or cupckaes, pls)and Posters, banners,and flyers are not allowed. pls pls help me.just the ideas pls pls




  1. I like the slogan, catchy. What do you enforce as a deputy though?

  2. Whatever it is that you would be doing as deputy captain, you need to expound on what it is that YOU would do to use your position in the best way possible.  So use that to pander to people.

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